A Craigslist user has offered to help Pokemon Go players in Baltimore “catch them all” — in his car.

For $25, according to a recent listing on the classified advertisement website, a user identified as “Mike B.” is willing to spend an hour driving players around to Baltimore's Pokestops — places where players can gain more tools to strengthen or catch Pokemon — and local “gyms,” where players can train their Pokemon and battle with other participants.

The aspiring “Pokemon Go Chauffeur” has also offered to drive at an “egg-incubating speed” anywhere around the city, which is essentially a walking pace that allows evolving Pokemon to hatch.

Players can also opt for one of his “pre-constructed routes,” which will avoid highways and major roads and make egg incubation easier.

The offer is just part of the Pokemon Go frenzy that has swept Baltimore and the world since the augmented-reality smartphone app was released this month.

Other local organizations that have gotten in on the craze include the Baltimore Animal Rescue and Care Shelter and the Maryland SPCA, which are offering themed adoption promotions; the Maryland Zoo, which is hosting “Pokemon mornings” meetups; and bar specials mobile app Loople, which organized a bar crawl Saturday.

—Brittany Britto