Ken Day set out to tell the behind-thescenes story of Columbia’s genesis as an open community when integration was the law of the land by weaving together a tapestry of rarely seen archival video footage and vintage photographs.

But the senior executive producer at Maryland Public Television also wanted his new hour-long documentary to dip a toe into the waters of the city’s future.

Those treated to private screenings of the final cut of “Columbia’s Promise” — which will be shown to ticket holders April 24 at Howard Community College and air April 28 on MPT — say Day achieved his goals.

The film delves into the planning that went into making the vision of Columbia founder James W. Rouse a reality, but it also goes on to speculate — through interviews with Columbia insiders interspersed with current scenes of city life — on whether the late developer’s blueprint for a better city will hold up in years to come.

After being the first to get a private showing, Robert Tennenbaum, retired chief architect and planner for the Rouse Co.who still lives in Columbia, told Day, “Don’t change anything.” Joshua Olsen, author of a 2003 biography of Rouse, remarked after his personal started with a clean slate.”

“I had no dog in this fight,” he said. “I screening two months ago,“You nailed it.” After reading Olsen’s book, “Better And after a Tuesday showing for Places, Better Lives: A Biography of Columbia Association, Marlys East, a James Rouse” and a dozen others, Day former Rouse Co. marketing director who became enthralled with Rouse’s genius oversaw Columbia’s yearlong 50th birthday celebration in 2017, called the film It didn’t take long for Day, who’s and his impact on the world.

“authentic and very touching.” worked at Owings Mills-based MPT Day, a Reisterstown resident, said there since 1985, to determine that 30 minutes are MPT producers from Columbia “who of running time wouldn’t be enough. He would’ve loved to take this on,” but they was given 60 minutes “to do the topic were involved in other projects and so it justice.” fell in his lap. If you go The preview screening of “Columbia’s Promise” is set for 7 to 8:30 p.m. April 24 in the Smith Theatre at Howard Community College, 10901 Little Patuxent Parkway, Columbia. Free tickets are required and seating is limited.

There may be some overflow seating; check availability at before arriving. The television broadcast premiere is set for 7 to 8 p.m. April 28 on MPT. The film will be rebroadcast at 10 p.m. April 30.