Mayor lays out $145M plan
2020 budget proposal includes money
for four new positions
Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley’s 2020 budget laid out a $145 million spending plan and revealed some of his policy goals for the next year and beyond.
A 21% increase over proposed appropriations in 2019, the budget includes money for four new positions, a new cloud computing system in the police department and increased health protections for firefighters. It also budgets as expenditures a number of pots of money the city can spend on reforestation, homeowner assistance and sprinkler loans, among other things.
Thus far, the Finance Committee has spent most of its time learning how to navigate the new budget format City Manager Teresa Sutherland and Finance Director Jodee Dickenson implemented to make the document more user friendly. But Finance Committee chair Alderman Ross Arnett said “by and large, I think it’s a good budget and it’s one I can live with.”
Alderwoman Sheila Finlayson said she’s pleased as well. “His reorganization looks like a good solid plan to move us forward,” Finlayson said.
Alderman Fred Paone said he’d be going through the budget “with a fine-tooth comb,” but thinks the new format is an upgrade.
The committee has three lengthy meetings scheduled to meet its May 13 deadline to submit a report to the full council.
The committee for the time being doesn’t seem as inclined as last year to find efficiencies and make cuts — at least initially. With that in mind, here are some of the policy initiatives that would be carried out if the mayor’s budget passed as proposed:
Departmental reorganization
Buckley is seeking to bring the offices of economic development and environmental policy under the mayor’s office, giving him oversight authority. In a budget that has thus far caused only minor ripples, Buckley’s reorganization of the office of environmental policy is likely to cause the biggest controversy.
Former Mayor Michael Pantelides created the office of environmental policy, now headed by director Jackie Guild, after dismantling the department of neighborhoods and environmental programs. The change was intended to create a “one-stop shop” for permitting, inspection and land development. The planning and zoning and public works departments absorbed many of the department’s functions, leaving a policy office with a director position and two staff.
Guild said the current format is not working — for her or the environment.
“I’m often the fly in the ointment that will slow things down and make things better,” she said. “If I wasn’t here in this position, we wouldn’t have passed the styrofoam ban or no net loss or the stormwater resolution.”
But the authority to carry out those programs lies with other departments. Buckley thinks bringing Guild in will elevate her status and make the environment part of weekly policy discussions.
“Instead of being reactive on these things, we can be proactive and making sure that we create policy that spreads through all the departments,” he said, “so they understand what our priorities are.”
Alderman Rob Savidge has a different idea. He’s proposed competing legislation, backed by Arnett and Alderman Marc Rodriguez, to make the office of environmental policy its own department, with broad regulatory authority over forest conservation and stormwater management.
Guild said she’s not sure which policy would be the better one. She acknowledged the policy role in the mayor’s office would be a big lift, even for someone with 30 years of expertise. The city faces a number of challenges in the next few decades including climate change, Chesapeake Bay cleanup, and reaching zero carbon emissions.
“I want it to come out right for the environment,” she said.
One Annapolis
A small but notable slice of the Buckley budget is the addition of about $47,000 for “One Annapolis” initiatives, which will help enact the mayor’s goal to close socioeconomic gaps between different Annapolis communities.
Events such as the Day of the Dead and Flowers Festival for Mexican and Hispanic communities have been part of the city’s calendar, but required the mayor to scrounge for funds. This budget bakes in those and other initiatives, including concerts, job training, G.E.D. courses and adult literacy programs.
“This is a budget we’ve come up with, so that we can be more accessible, and more upfront with our objective here,” he said. “And that’s trying to bring all of our communities together and make all of our communities feel welcome in all places.”
Capital projects
The capital improvement plan, a five-year spending plan for infrastructure acquisitions and upgrades, includes a number of new projects, including moving the Harbormaster’s office to the Capt. William H. Burtis House. Buckley said acquiring the historic watermen’s home will be key to a larger plan to move the office, move the parking spaces from City Dock to Hillman Garage and create a public space in their place.
Hillman shows up in the plan this year with money to fund the replacement project coming from a to-be-created financial authority focused on making the city more resilient. Buckley stressed whatever replaces Hillman will have added parking capacity, but will also be convertible, to allow office or residential space when cars become obsolete.
There is money for downtown flood mitigation, which will include a temporary plug system to stop storm drains from backing up and pumps to push stormwater out.
Two projects connect trails to create more opportunities for walkers, runners and bikers to move around the city safely.