‘Small Wonders,' a juried show of 2-D works 11 inches or smaller and 3-D works 7 inches or smaller, is on display at the Maryland Federation of Art at Circle Gallery, 18 State Circle, Annapolis. Continues through Dec. 23. Information: 410-268-4566.

‘Street Scenes,' a juried show of works by 35 artists, is on display on the Maryland Federation of Art online Curve Gallery through Dec. 15. Go to mdfedart.com/exhibitions.

Fran Stetina: Morning Walk with My Camera is on display through Feb. 5 at Paul's Homewood Cafe, 919 West St, Annapolis. Information: 410-267-7891.

‘Lacrosse: A Maryland Sport' An exhibit highlighting the role of African-Americans in lacrosse, especially players with ties to Maryland such as Kyle Harrison, Ginger Miles and Joe Fowlkes, at the Banneker-Douglass Museum, 84 Franklin St., Annapolis. Also, “Jumping the Broom” a study of the traditions, styles and trends of marriage in the African-American community with stories of nine couples married for 50 years or more. Both run through Dec. 23. Information: 410-216-6180.

Maritime art Works by Heinke Bohnert are on display at the Annapolis Marine Art Gallery, 110 Dock St., Annapolis. Information: annapolismarineart.com.