Free flu shots

The Department of Health offers free flu shots by appointment only at the following centers: Glen Burnie Health Center, 416 A Street. SW Glen Burnie, 410-222-6633 and Parole Health Center, 1950 Drew Street, Annapolis, 410-222-7247.

Holiday blues

The Department of Health offers information on what causes the holiday blues and healthy ways to cope with them. Visit the department's website, and click on “Holiday Blues” under Hot Topics.

Opioid overdose response

The Department of Health's adult addiction program will offer free training and certification to community members on the use of intranasal naloxone to reverse an opioid overdose and prevent death. To register call the adult addiction program at 410-222-0100.

Medication disposal

The Department of Health, the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Maryland Behavioral Health Administration will sponsor a free year-round prescription medication disposal program. Expired, unused and unwanted medications can be dropped off 24/7 at these county police stations:

Northern District, 939 Hammonds Lane, Baltimore, 410-222-6135

Southern District, 35 Stepneys Lane, Edgewater, 410-222-1961

Eastern District, 204 Pasadena Road, Pasadena, 410-222-6145

Western District, 8273 Telegraph Road, Odenton, 410-222-6155

Also, dropoff boxes are set up Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the following sites:

Annapolis District, 199 Taylor Avenue, Annapolis, 410-268-9000

Anne Arundel District, 8495 Veterans Highway, Millersville, 410-222-8050

Remove personal information from the container. Not accepted are hydrogen peroxide, inhalers, aerosol cans, ointments, lotions or liquids, medication from businesses or clinics, needles or thermometers.

Vision, hearing screenings

The Department of Health's vision and hearing screenings will be held at the following schools and programs for children in pre-school, kindergarten, first-eighth grade and for students new to Anne Arundel county schools.

Right Start Academy, Monday, Dec. 19

Oakwood Elementary, Tuesday, Dec. 20

Wiley H. Bates Middle, Wednesday, Dec. 21

South Shore Elementary, Thursday, Dec. 22

For additional information contact Kim Roussey, vision and hearing technician supervisor, 410-222-6838.

Quit-smoking classes

The Learn to Live program of the Department of Health in partnership with local community medical providers and organizations will offer free quit-smoking classes at the following sites. Pre-registration is required.

Anne Arundel Community College, 101 College Parkway, Arundel. 410-777-2480 or visit:

Anne Arundel Medical Center, 2000 Medical Parkway, Annapolis. 410-481-5555 or visit:

Baltimore Washington Medical Center, 305 Hospital Drive, Glen Burnie. 410-553-8103 or visit: Click on community.

Owensville Primary Care, 134 Owensville Road, West River. 410-867-4700 or visit: