NEW YORK — The NHL suspended Calgary Flames defenseman Dennis Wideman 20 games Wednesday for cross-checking a linesman last week during a game, the second-longest suspension in NHL history for abusing an official.

Wideman, 32, a former Washington Capital, was suspended for violating the league rule on physical abuse of officials after he struck linesman Don Henderson and knocked him down during the Flames' game against the Nashville Predators on Jan. 27.

Wideman will forfeit $564,516 in salary as a result of the suspension. Only Gordie Dwyer of the Tampa Bay Lightning, who was suspended 23 games in part for abuse of officials during an exhibition game in 2000, was suspended longer for such a violation.

Wideman had a hearing Tuesday. The NHL Players' Association said Wednesday night that it had filed an appeal on Wideman's behalf, contending that the hit was accidental.

—?Associated Press