Makerspace trend comes to Annapolis
Sharing knowledge is as important as sharing tools, nonprofit’s members say

The Annapolis Makerspace opened in an industrial park on the edge of the city just over a month ago, and already the shop is filled with equipment members use to build, experiment and tinker.
The nonprofit workshop — a local version of a trend in cities across the county — offers people who are interested in a hobby or project, but who might lack the equipment and space, a place to work in and tools to share.
It also offers members a chance to collaborate and learn from one another, creating what advocates describe as a collaborative incubator for ideas.
“It’s a community where people can share stuff, rather than just a place where you use equipment,” said Subrata Dutta of Greenbelt, a member who was showing off three-dimensional printing technology during an open house last Sunday.
According to makerspaces.com, a website that promotes the trend, such facilities can be important not only for do-it-yourselfers, but for small business owners and students. Makerspaces can “provide hands-on learning, help with critical thinking skills and even boost self-confidence.”
The Annapolis facility, in Suite 109 of 42 Hudson Road, was founded by local resident Jack Warpinski and is operated with the help of its members. For $50 a month, members gain 24/7 access.
“I was personally thinking about getting it going for a few years... both as a community service and also for my own making-related interests,” said Warpinski in an email. “I think Annapolis is plenty big to support such a space.... We run the space as a ‘club’ so everyone is asked to help.
“One hurdle we are trying to clear is getting more people to volunteer to teach classes to the public,” he said. “We do also need to raise some money to purchase a few key pieces of equipment. Our existence so far has been totally membership supported.”
A range of tools is available, from a table saw, joiner and lathe to more complex computer-oriented devices such as the 3D printers — and the collection is growing.
The collaborative nature of the makerspace is one of its key attractions, said Dan Hahne of Arundel on the Bay, who was in the shop last weekend working on a wooden pendulum clock project.
Hahne said he could buy materials and equipment elsewhere, but the “expertise and experience of other members becomes a valuable resource, and a part of why something like this is worth anything, really.”
Dutta, who was working with the printers, agreed. He said the 3D printers at the shop can be used to make everything from a dreidel to a prosthetic hand, but the ability to share knowledge and expertise is just as important as the tools.
“The more people we get, the better,” he said. “Not only for the finances, but also for the expertise. People have unique knowledge and skills, they come in and share that.”
Annapolis Makerspace typically holds an open house on weekends, and also hosts classes, discussion groups and meetings. For details, go to makeannapolis.org.