The Baltimore Office of Promotion & the Arts has pushed back the date of its quarterly meeting to Monday to allow it extra time to obtain and review financial records.

During the meeting, originally scheduled for Wednesday, the BOPA board said it expects to have a clearer picture of its financial woes: how much money it has now, revenues it expects to receive and the total sum it owes.

Last week, the board announced that it was in dire financial straits, and had asked the city to provide $1.8 million in emergency funds. Mayor Brandon Scott’s office refused, pending the completion of a forensic audit, or a detailed look at BOPA’s books.

“The board acknowledges the financial challenges facing the organization, which were inherited by [CEO] Rachel D. Graham and this interim board,” the organization said in a release Tuesday.

“While our need to understand the fiscal condition inherited and activities over the past year will require additional time to navigate, we will seek to responsibly understand the significant concerns communicated 14 days ago. We will act urgently to find a path to resolution.”

Graham was appointed BOPA’s CEO in March, while interim chairman Andrew Chaveas said he joined BOPA’s board about 18 months ago.