In seventh grade, JaNyaBrown of Severn knew she wanted to work in the field of forensics — she even got a chance to visit the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore.

On Tuesday, the Glen Burnie High School sophomore got a look inside the world of health care, watching live as Dr. Adrian Park of Anne Arundel Medical Center used laparoscopic surgery — technically, Nissen fundoplication — to treat a woman with a hiatal hernia.

The surgery was streamed to Glen Burnie High and four other schools throughout Anne Arundel County, reaching about 500 students total.

At Glen Burnie, the operating room was displayed on a screen in the school’s auditorium. Not only could students see the OR, they also got a better-than-a-surgeon’s eye view through a laparoscopic camera that put the patient’s insides on screen.

Live streaming a surgery isn’t new, but this is the first time the hospital has done it on See SURGERY, page 5