“To whom much is given, much is required,” said DJ QuickSilva, quoting the Bible to explain why he gives his time and energy to help people in his native Baltimore. A celebrated disc jockey and on-air personality at radio station 92Q, QuickSilva has established The Silva Lining Foundation, to assist children who’ve lost parents; launched a disc jockey school; founded a job finder company; and opened a nightspot, Club Downtown Bmore, which employs about 30.

“I just want to be a blessing to others,” said QuickSilva, 42, born Robert “Rico” Silva. Raised in Northwood, he attended City College, earned national acclaim as a spin doctor and gives motivational talks to everyone from grade-schoolers to prison inmates.

In November, city officials honored him by renaming the street where he grew up, Shadyside Road, as QuickSilva Way. Come the holidays, he doles out turkeys and toys to those in that neighborhood where, as a kid, he dreamed only of being “the best DJ on the block.”

— Mike Klingaman