If Yolanda Ross had her way, all her trips would be on trains. “I really enjoy luxury train travel to eat good food, be in your own space and enjoy the scenery that you might not get to see otherwise,” says the actress, who stars on the Showtime series “The Chi.”

“My dream trip would be to travel with friends on a weeklong luxury train trip like the Belmond or Orient Express. (We’d go) through Italy, France, Spain, Scotland, Ireland or Germany. I would like to go to places where we can get off and see the sights and just enjoy the great views, relax and meet new people. I enjoy the journey.” Ross splits her time between New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.

An edited version of our conversation follows.

Q. Did you have an itch to move away from home when you were younger?

A. I come from a small- to medium-sized city — Omaha, Nebraska. That sentiment was certainly there when growing up, as you seek new adventures. I did leave as soon as I got out of school and headed to New York City.

Q. What was the first trip you took as a child?

A. The first trip I remember was going to California. We went to Disneyland and (also) to San Francisco. I remember drinking Fresca and waiting on a lot of lines. I liked the monorail.

Q. If you could only pick one place to eat, would you choose a casual meal at a street cart or a nice restaurant?

A. I would choose fine dining. I like to try what is considered the best of a place and see what the customs are or how service is treated in different places.

Q. Where are your favorite weekend getaways?

A. Palm Springs when I’m on the West Coast. I like going up to the Berkshires on the East Coast.

Q. Where is the most romantic destination?

A. Jamaica.

Q. Where have you traveled to that most reminded you of home?

A. Vancouver.

Q. Where would you like to go that you have never been to before?

A. Copenhagen, Iceland, Hawaii.

Q. What kind of research do you do before you go away on a trip?

A. I like to find out about the culture — what’s expected of people there, how women are treated there, for safety reasons. I want to know how people of color are treated and where to shop, find art, if it’s busy or quiet, best restaurants, what’s the vibe of different neighborhoods to see where I want to stay.

Q. What is your best and/or worst vacation memory?

A. The best and worst were all in the same trip. My bestie, Jacqueline, and I went to London together in February. It was freezing and snowing, just bone-chilling cold. Jacqueline had never been to London before, so she was super excited and wanted to immediately go everywhere just after we landed. I was worn out and cranky, but went along. Needless to say, we both hit a wall and got very snappy and irritable. That night, we started planning our departure. We were going to call the airline in the morning and see if we could change our tickets and cut our trip short. The next day, we woke up in the late afternoon, completely different people. We totally laughed about the whole thing because we were so jet-lagged and needed rest. It turned out to be the best trip ever!

For more from the reporter, visit www.jaehakim.com.