HONOLULU — For early risers at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel on Dec. 7, 1941, there was puzzlement. Why were all those airplanes flying so low over the water just off Waikiki Beach?

Even as the first Japanese bombs dropped on Ford Island, soldiers there figured they had missed the memo about some sort of drill.

Then, bullets started strafing the Army airfield. Within minutes, a short distance away, bombs and torpedoes began assaulting Pearl Harbor.

For Lou Conter, standing on the memorial above the sunken wreckage of the USS Arizona last Dec. 7 brought back a swell of sobering memories.

“I was on the quarterdeck, just about where we are,” he said after the wreath laying that takes place each year on the anniversary of America's entry into World War II. Conter, a 20-year-old enlisted man at the time, was aboard the doomed ship that fateful day.

“Everything from right over there forward blew up and was on fire. Everything to the rear, aft, was all right,” he recalled.

“We opened up a hatch, and there were four guys up to their necks in water. We got them out,” he said of a successful rescue. But 1,177 of the Arizona's crewmen were killed. In total, 2,403 people died at Pearl Harbor.

With the USS Arizona Memorial in the background, dignitaries and ordinary citizens will gather on Kilo Pier this Dec. 7, to observe the 75th anniversary of that shattered Sunday, when hundreds of enemy aircraft soared past Waikiki on their way toward reshaping history.

Pearl Harbor is just one of several spots on Oahu that continue to share, with visitors, tales not only of the bloodshed on that day of infamy, but of the scars that came later.

A short boat ride leads people to the floating memorial, where rusting hulks of metal poke through the water, still slick with the oil that continues to ooze from the ship's belly. It's probably the most poignant of various sites that form the World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument (www.nps.gov/valr/index.htm). It's Hawaii's most popular visitor attraction.

Each day, the National Park Service distributes 1,300 free tickets for the shuttle operated by naval personnel. While waiting their turn, guests are encouraged to wander through the exhibits and view a documentary at the recently expanded Pearl Harbor Visitor Center.

Across the water, the evidence of the attack remains visible as people wander through Hangar 79 at the Pacific Aviation Museum (www.pacificaviationmuseum.org), where windows are pockmarked with bullet holes.

“The first bombs that were dropped in the attack at Pearl Harbor happened here at Ford Island. They were knocking out the long-range Catalina patrol planes,” museum historian Burl Burlingame explained. “An aircraft can be scrambled much more quickly than ships can, so they attacked the airfields immediately.”

In the impressive collection of aircraft is the Boeing Stearman, in which former President George H.W. Bush, a teenage fighter pilot in the Navy, trained.

Less than 10 miles away, in a junglelike setting, lies a different, but nonetheless deep, scar. Honouliuli Gulch is the site of one of the internment camps in which Japanese-Americans were incarcerated simply because of their ethnicity.

Its buildings bulldozed after the war, only concrete foundations remain at the place President Barack Obama last year designated as Honouliuli National Monument (www.nps. gov/hono/index.htm). The area remains closed to the public while archaeological and restoration work proceeds, the area is closed to the public. The only exceptions are the occasional visits organized by the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii (www.jcch.com).

This fall, the organization opened the Honouliuli Education Center in Honolulu to share the stories of those who were held, without charge, until the war ended in 1945.

“The national monument is so difficult to visit and access, we wanted to create a space where people can come and learn about Honouliuli and the internment camp experience,” Hayashino said.

“Even though President Roosevelt said (to) intern them all, it would have left this huge hole in the economy if 40 percent of the population was gone, so they did selective internment,” said Jane Kurahara, a center volunteer. She said leaders of Hawaii's Japanese community, such as Buddhist monks and the staff of Japanese-language newspapers, were rounded up within hours of the attack, which came as a complete surprise to the American forces.

This Dec. 7, members of the Japanese-American community will join others honoring the war dead at Pearl Harbor. Among those attending the commemoration will be Adm. Harry Harris Jr., commander of the U.S. Pacific Command. His father, also a Navy man, sailed out of Pearl Harbor aboard the USS Lexington just days before the attack. Following the war, Harry Harris Sr. married the Japanese woman who became the admiral's mother.

Conter, who retired from the Navy as a lieutenant commander, also will be on Kilo Pier again this year. At age 95, he's one of only five servicemen from the USS Arizona who are still alive.

“There were 335 of us on the ship that got off that day,” he said. “We were just lucky.”

Jay Jones is a freelance writer.