WASHINGTON — White House physician Ronny Jackson has grown frustrated with the nomination process to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs and has told colleagues he might remove his name from consideration, according to two White House officials with knowledge of his deliberations.

Jackson’s indecision was brewing even before Capitol Hill Democrats on Wednesday released new allegations of professional misconduct, including the claim that Jackson had wrecked a government vehicle after getting drunk at a Secret Service going away party.

A summary of the accusations compiled by Democratic staff on the committee considering his nomination as Veterans Affairs secretary says Jackson had a pattern of recklessly prescribing drugs as well as drunken behavior, including crashing a government vehicle while intoxicated and doling out a large supply of a prescription opioid to a White House military staff member.

The summary was based on conversations with 23 of Jackson’s current or former colleagues at the White House Medical Unit. The accusations included multiple incidents of Jackson’s intoxication while on duty, often on overseas trips. On at least one occasion he was nowhere to be found when his medical help was needed because “he was passed out drunk in his hotel room,” according to the summary.

In just a matter of days, the allegations transformed Jackson’s reputation as a celebrated doctor attending the president to an embattled nominee accused of drinking on the job and over-prescribing drugs.

A doomed VA nomination — or a withdrawal by Jackson — would be a political blow to the White House, which has faced criticism for sloppy screening of Cabinet nominees. President Donald Trump continues to stand by Jackson and the White House is aggressively defending him.

Earlier Wednesday, Jackson denied allegations of bad behavior and told reporters at the White House he was “still moving ahead as planned.”

“I never wrecked a car,” he said. “I have no idea where that is coming from.”

The allegations were publicly released on the day that Jackson’s confirmation hearing was to have been held. The hearing has been postponed indefinitely while the allegations against him are reviewed.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday that Jackson had passed “at least four independent background checks” that found “no areas of concern.”

Still, White House spokesman Raj Shah said aides are “of course” preparing for the possibility that Jackson might withdraw. “This is, as the president said, Dr. Jackson’s decision,” Shah said on CNN.

Jackson huddled late Wednesday evening with top White House press staff. They declined to comment on the situation.

According to the summary released by Democrats, Jackson was nicknamed “Candyman” by White House staff because he would provide prescriptions without paperwork and had his own stock of controlled substances.

Drugs he prescribed included Ambien, used for sleep, and Provigil, used to help wake up. In one case, the summary said, quantities of Percocet, a prescription opioid, went missing and “threw WHMU into a panic. It turned out Jackson had provided a large supply to a White House Military Officer.”

Reports of overprescribing and alcohol-related behavior problems can jeopardize a doctor’s license. Many state medical boards allow doctors to keep their licenses and return to practice if they complete special treatment programs and submit to random urine screens for some specified length of time.

Marc Short, the White House legislative director, could not say he was confident the allegations were false. He was “not familiar” with the car wreck episode.

But Short also suggested Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana was airing the allegations for political gain.

“It’s quite unusual for a United States senator to take allegations that have not been fully investigated, but to flaunt them to the national public.”

Veterans groups are dismayed over the continuing uncertainty at the VA, already beset by infighting over improvements to veterans care.

“The American Legion is very concerned about the current lack of permanent leadership,” said Denise Rohan, national commander of The American Legion, the nation’s largest veterans organization.

The Washington Post contributed.