Dr. Ben Carson mocked President Joe Biden’s shaky debate performance in an attempt to reinforce the Republican Party’s initiative to vote for former President Donald Trump at a reception in Pikesville on Friday evening.

“The real problem was not so much that we have a president who lacks the ability to even finish a sentence — that’s not the real problem,” Carson said at an event hosted by Baltimore County Republicans. “The real problem is that was seen all over the world, and the rest of the world saw that we are a rudderless ship.”

Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who used to live in the Baltimore region, returned to familiar territory Friday to stump for Trump, a Republican. He now lives in Palm Beach, Fla.

Carson has been floated as the former president’s potential pick for vice president.

During the first official presidential debate Thursday, Trump neglected to answer several moderator questions, while Biden made a number of verbal stumbles.

Carson, who served as the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the entirety of Trump’s presidency, accused Biden of misusing the U.S. Department of Justice to persecute his political enemies, and asserted that the United States has lost esteem on the international stage during his tenure.

“Nobody is afraid of us,” Carson told the crowd. “Nobody respects us anymore because of what is going on, and that’s why we’ve got to get Donald Trump back in office.”

Carson also echoed several GOP talking points, including the notion that children are being indoctrinated by members of the LGBTQ+ community, discounting the legitimacy of the COVID-19 vaccine, lamenting over giving money to aid Ukraine in its defense against Russia, the claim that public schools should incorporate religious teachings into their curricula, and the potential rejection of ballot counting standards.

“Most of the American people had common sense,” he said as he described meeting voters across the country. “What they lacked is courage.”