When Tim Feaga was a kid, he knew the first week of August would be his first chance to see his friends and neighbors after a long summer. But for Feaga, a 10th generation farmer in Howard County, it wasn’t just because school was starting soon — it was the week of the annual county fair, where he and many others showed cattle, fresh produce and more.

Now as the fair association’s president, Feaga hopes to leave community members with a better understanding of the county’s agricultural sphere at the 78th annual Howard County Fair, which opened Saturday and runs through Aug. 10 in West Friendship.

Feaga said the fair will have more hands-on activities for kids this year, such as the favorite petting barn and Farmer Wars. It can be difficult for children to get a basic understanding of where certain products such as bacon or clothes come from until they’re actively involved with the animal that helps produce them.

“The whole variety of things, you might not get to understand unless you see, feel and touch it,” Feaga said.

In the petting barn, attendees may ask 4-H members questions about the animals they raised. Many community members, Feaga explained, learn a lot about cattle at the fair, such as the difference between a dairy cow, which tends to be leaner, and a beef cow, which is raised to have more fat on its body.

For Feaga, the dairy cow competitions have a history — both he and his children have competed as 4-H members.

The fair will also have carnival rides, horse and canine shows, a pie-eating contest and more from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day. Some of the competitions, such as the pie-eating contest and Farmer Wars, are open for anyone in the public to enter, Feaga added.

Attendees can also participate in a tour of a live honey bee farm on Sunday.

Demonstrations will be held throughout the day every day, according to the fair’s schedule, with live bands and performances from the Maryland Accordion Club, The Browningsville Band and more scattered between contests.

A wide variety of food will also be available throughout the week, including fair food staples and offerings from Feedbag Country Cooking Carry-Out.

For Feaga, the fair continues to be a space for community members to understand where their food and other items come from and where they can share their own artistry. He no longer farms as a main occupation but hopes his position as the Howard County Fair Association president allows him to “promote the agriculture that is so vital” to Howard.

Fair admission is $10 for anyone 13 years or older, $5 for seniors ages 62 and older, and free for children 12 years and younger. The fair will be held at the Howard County Fairgrounds, at 2210 Fairgrounds Road in West Friendship. Parking is free.

For a complete schedule of events, visit howardcountyfairmd.com.