A parking garage in Columbia is being accented by artwork this week as part of Howard Hughes Corp.’s public arts project.

The project, “Rainbow Sunset,” will feature a variety of colors and translucent polycarbonate material.

Artist Vicki Scuri will install the project on the north and west sides of the parking garage, on the corner of Broken Land Parkway and Little Patuxent Parkway.

The project is the latest artwork to come to downtown. Such projects were outlined in the Downtown Columbia Plan adopted by the Howard County Council in 2010.

“Petal Play,” a series of interactive flower sculptures outside the Metropolitan apartments, was the first art project, unveiled in 2015 by artist Mary Ann Mears. Nearby, additional multifamily housing, known as m.flats and TEN.M, is slated to have sculptures by artist Rodney Carroll.

Scuri, Mears and Carroll will join William Cochran of Cochran Studio at the Howard County Art Center Sept. 6 to discuss Columbia’s past, present and future art and selections from the Rouse Co./Howard Hughes Corp. Arts Collection exhibit.

The exhibit will be on display at the arts center galleries Sept. 1 through Oct. 13. Performers sought for Arts Council competition The Howard County Arts Council is accepting applications for its annual Rising Star Performing Arts competition. Individual performers, and groups of no more than four, may apply. Entrants must be between ages 18 and 35. Candidates must live, train, work or perform regularly in Howard County or have done so in the past, and will be reviewed based on artistic expression, technical ability and stage presence.

Council members will select up to 10 finalists to perform at the council’s Celebration of the Arts in Howard County benefit gala on March 24 in the Elizabeth Horowitz Visual and Performing Arts Center at Howard Community College. After per- formances, audiences will vote for their favorite performer, who will receive the $5,000 Rising Star Performing Arts Award.

To apply, go to hocoarts.org and click “Explore | Opportunities for Artists & Arts Groups.” Candidates can also request applications from the arts council by contacting 410-313-2787 or info@hocoarts.org.

— Andrew Michaels, Baltimore Sun Media Group Special Saturday hours scheduled at HCC Incoming students at Howard Community College may apply, register and prepare for the coming fall semester during special Saturday hours on Aug. 19 and 26.

The community college will open its test center at 9 a.m. on both days as well as offer admissions, advising, registration, financial aid, cashier and bookstore between 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. All services are inside the Rouse Company Foundation Student Services Hall.

To apply for enrollment in fall credit classes, which begin Aug. 26, go to howardcc.edu/apply.

Class registration can be completed at howardcc.edu/register.

— Andrew Michaels, Baltimore Sun Media Group