We need a doctor

Why hasn’t President Biden been evaluated by a team at Walter Reed Medical Center so we can all know what medical experts know about his state of health and his ability to carry out his duties as president?

— Susan Talbott, Tuscany-Canterbury

In defense of our president

Who among us has not had a bad day, one we wish we could take back and do over? That’s what I thought.

When a star quarterback, be it Tom Brady, Patrick Mahomes, or Lamar Jackson, fails to deliver, are they cast aside to make way for a replacement? Of course not. Rather, they are expected to do better and are signed to multi-year contracts.

So, let’s rally around our quarterback, Joe Biden, whose decades of public service and presidential accomplishments speak volumes about his abilities, rather than his defective opponent, a sore loser with personal, financial, legal, and moral failings that are too exhausting to catalog.

— Robert Kass, Owings Mills

It’s not a difficult choice

Last week’s so-called debate reinforced the views of both those who suspected that President Biden was showing definite signs of aging, as well as those who were convinced that former President Trump was a charlatan, con man and liar.

If President Biden stays in the race, the election will come down to whether the majority of voters would rather have as president a man who has proven himself to be an honorable, ethical and decent person or a man who is a twice impeached and several times convicted felon who has demonstrated that he is dedicated only to making himself look good. Biden is dedicated to working in the interests of all the people of this country and recognizing that he may not be as sharp as he once was, he will surround himself with like-minded advisors and counselors. Trump is an incorrigible liar, narcissist, con man, and bully and will surround himself, as he has done in the past, with fawning, spineless sycophants whose most distinguishing quality is their constant kissing of his rear end.

Donald Trump has proven repeatedly that while he may be an excellent golfer for his age, he is a despicable human being. Joe Biden isn’t. I’ll take him forgetting his lines and mumbling his answers every day over the glib and clearly spoken lies of Mr. Trump.

So should the great majority of this country’s voters.

— Harris Factor, Columbia

Post-debate rationalizing

The Democratic Party has struck an iceberg, and the captain is intent on telling everyone that his ship is unsinkable. Unfortunately, it is starting to appear that they are prepared to go down with him.

— J. Matthew McGlone, Towson

President Biden more than just shaky

What we witnessed was a very ill Joe Biden struggling to make sense of his own jumbled and meandering thoughts.

The U.S. Constitution designates the president as the commander-in-chief. Sadly, President Biden did not seem to be in command of his own mind. I don’t see how he could possibly be making the tough decisions that his job entails. This raises an important question: Who is actually in charge of our government?

I think we have passed the point of wondering if President Biden will drop out of the 2024 presidential election. The paramount questions that need answering now are: When will President Biden resign from office or be removed through the application of the 25th Amendment?

After watching that debate, I believe that our ship of state is adrift in very troubled waters without a commander of sound mind. We are experiencing a true constitutional crisis that needs to be resolved immediately.

— Sean Tully, Baltimore

Where are the doctors?

While it is certainly credible to ask the people if President Biden should run for reelection, the people are not medically trained. The first question for me is: where were the White House physicians last Thursday? It’s abominable they allowed President Biden to go on the national stage in his condition. They are making a handsome salary on our dime, aren’t they?

The entire public, with an average IQ of 100, was able to make an assessment of incompetency within the first three minutes or less of the debate. The White House physicians are supposed to be the cream of the crop. If they are not up to the task, Walter Reed is nearby.

The public depends on structure and order. If Biden is mentally incompetent, then give him the respect of making a medical assessment.

Many apologies, President Biden. You deserve better health care, sir.

— Marty Spence, Towson