A newly released Gonzales Research Poll shows declining approval ratings for President Donald Trump, Department of Government Efficiency head Elon Musk and Maryland Gov. Wes Moore.
Trump’s rating in Maryland is unfavorable and unsurprising, given the state is a Democratic stronghold. Only 36% of respondents approve of the job he’s doing, while 62% disapprove.
Musk, one of the president’s top advisers, is also perceived unfavorably, with 30% approving of the job he’s doing, while 66% disapprove.
Meanwhile, Moore’s job approval rating dropped by 6% since the previous Gonzales poll in January, though he’s still treading above water.
Statewide, 55% of voters approve of Moore’s job, while 36% disapprove. Among Democrats, 83% of respondents approve of the job Moore is doing. However, with independents, the tides have turned, with only 34% approving of the job he’s doing while 42% disapprove.
Some 67% of Republicans currently disapprove of the job Moore is doing.
Moore struggles particularly in rural Maryland, where residents give him a 41% approval rating.
Maryland currently has a more than $3 billion budget deficit, and residents have been burdened with high electric bills in the past few months.
Only 41% of participants say the state is moving in the right direction, while 50% of people say the state is moving in the wrong direction.
Additionally, only 42% say economic conditions for them and their families fall in the “excellent” or “pretty good” range, while 58% said economic conditions were “only fair” or “poor.”
A majority — 67% — of people said their electric bill today is either “much higher” or “somewhat higher” than it was a year ago, and 53% of respondents say they are very concerned about the “power surge.”
The poll, which went public at midnight on Wednesday, was conducted from March 5 through March 9 with 804 registered voters in Maryland who indicated they were likely to vote in the next election as participants.
The poll participants were queried via telephone interviews, and a cross-section of interviews was conducted throughout Maryland to reflect general election voting patterns, the methodology states. Overall, the margin of error is a range of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.
Have a news tip? Contact Cale Ahearn at cahearn@sbgtv.com.