Ceasefire appropriate when hostages released

A letter writer to The Baltimore Sun asks that U.S. Senator-elect Angela Alsobrooks show concern for the Palestinians who have lost their lives in the war in Gaza and advocates for an immediate ceasefire (“Alsobrooks should be concerned about Palestinians, too,” Dec. 16).

The reason that both the United States and Israel are opposed to a ceasefire at this time is because Hamas still governs part of Gaza and still holds onto the hostages. A ceasefire now would allow Hamas to regroup and mount another war in the near future.

A ceasefire cannot be successfully negotiated until Hamas returns the hostages and surrenders or is totally dismantled.

— Jack Kinstlinger, Towson

Author! Author! Dan Rodricks

Dan Rodricks is a Baltimore treasure which was so evident at his biographical play at the Baltimore Museum of Art last weekend (“Baltimore, You Have No Idea: A Play by Dan Rodricks”). He is informative, witty and sensitive.

Thank you, Dan.

— Ann Clapp, Baltimore

Wrong to embrace left-wing victimhood mentality

We recently found out that a Baltimore nonprofit went out of state on a “conference” spree on taxpayer dollars (“Baltimore’s youth fund paid for assistant deputy mayor, school official to go on trip,” Dec. 14). They apparently went to hear about how the city youth are victims at the hands of many racist systems. I believe that it would have been more cost-effective and positive if they stayed here in Maryland and the city’s Pastor P.M. Smith spoke to them about his success in giving youth positive messages along with loving attention and lessons on right and wrong!

The political left, especially George Soros, have worked for racial divide by pushing very questionable theories of victimhood. We have for years now seen the results of such messages: People believe that they are due something from everyone. They believe that they have the right to get even, even to hurt or kill others to get that due. Many of the mass shootings were done by individuals feeling deep victimhood. They believe that laws are not meant for them. They believe that they don’t have to exert any effort to better themselves, but others should give them what they are due.

The efforts by Soros and others should be seen as a danger to the nation. No administration should spend a dime for people to hear their theories and values. The city should support the efforts of Pastor Smith and many others like him.

— Rev. Michael T. Buttner, Bel Air