reatness is hard to define and even harder to attain.

Still, we know greatness when we see it. When a company stands out, you know because there are certain traits and attributes you can identify. They are widespread and hard to ignore. You can look for these signs by listening closely to what people say in a meeting or when they banter in the cafeteria. You can even pick up on them when you are interviewing for a job.

Here are 10 signs that things are going really well at a company:

1. Everyone is having fun

This is the ultimate entry point for greatness. You want to be there. You feel encouraged and motivated. It’s a great place to hang out, even after work or on weekends. Fun radiates from the place, and it is that allure that attracts even more talented employees. Without a sense of fun and creativity, forget ever achieving any level of greatness.

To be great, you have to be a beacon.

2. No one is pedantic

Why am I using such a specific word here? How is it related to great companies? For 26 years, I’ve been involved in multiple organizations and volunteered at many different entities both small and large, and the one thing that seems to kill all progress and creativity is a heaping dose of pedantry. When everyone acts like they know everything, when they are slavishly devoted to rules and when they are fussy, finicky, strict and overly fastidious, then nothing good will happen.

When the company is filled with open-minded people who want to learn new things, it becomes a great place.

3. Empathy abounds

Empathy is an ability to see another point of view. When everyone seems to have that ability, that company is going to excel. We all need each other to help us grow, and empathy is an engine for that. I’m going to help you, you’re going to help me — that’s called teamwork. I’ve visited hundreds of companies, and the most obvious trait that sticks out at a bad one is when everyone is trying to advance their own career.

Empathy is in short supply, and so is greatness.

4. Expectations are crystal clear to everyone

Years ago, I had a boss who never bothered to explain what we were doing or why and became critical when we didn’t do what he wanted. Every employee was shooting in the dark with a pop gun. As humans, we all want to know why — what’s the vision here? Where are we even going? Why are we doing these things? If that’s crystal clear, then it creates a great company because the entire organization becomes unified.

The goals should not be a well-kept secret.

5. Grace is prevalent

What happens when employees miss their goals? What if you know where you’re going as an organization, but you don’t quite end up getting there in the end? This is where grace is important. Showing grace instead of a demeaning, belittling attitude is what makes a company even greater. Grace is a license to fail; and being free to try new things and fail at times is what makes people work hard and want to stick around. A culture of criticism kills momentum.

A culture of grace, encouragement, understanding and excitement will turn any organization into a giant.

6. Roles are

clearly defined

“I never know what I’m doing” is a tough predicament for any employee. Employees feel anxious and awkward. Employees need to feel empowered, and that’s where clear roles come into play. A role is a reason. It’s a way to define why that employee is even at the company and the scope of their involvement.

You can’t make expectations until you have informed the employee about how much power he or she can wield.

7. Everyone sees

and rewards hard work

I’ve been involved with companies that really know how to recognize employees. On Slack, they praise each other in a real way that shows true pride in the accomplishments of others. We communicated! We discussed! We resolved! It’s a team exercise writ large (and in digital form), one that involves frequent pats on the back when there’s a milestone. Some companies only acknowledge hard work in rare instances.

Most of the time, they are treating employees like cattle that need to be herded — and kicked if they get out of line.

8. Every employee

is happy

Here’s a great way to mark happiness at work: Employees are perfectly suited to their roles. They are challenged enough, placed in the proper department, encouraged constantly to achieve great things and know the expectations. A happy group of employees creates a dynamic environment.

An unhappy group causes constant conflict and stress, which makes the company sink like a stone.

9. Mentoring is

more important

than performance

Most of us will figure it out and do great work. Being beaten into submission by an angry boss won’t work; mentoring will.

It’s a way to hand down tacit knowledge. Great companies know how to do that. Great employees know how to mentor one another. They are highly motivated to train others because they know that’s what creates greatness.

A great company is one where the most important knowledge is handed down from one employee to the next in a way that’s built on the foundation of individual relationships.

10. There’s a great leader

I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating: Behind every great company there is a great leader.

Call it the trickle-down effect of management. Someone at the top practices all of the attributes listed above and demonstrates what it means to show empathy, recognize hard work and promote mentoring. Greatness will happen.

A great leader has an attitude that generates enthusiasm and happiness among the staff. It’s contagious.