Voters should reject Inner Harbor redevelopment

Sept. 11, 2024 seems an appropriate time to reflect on Baltimore’s cityscape and its future.

I grew up in the New York suburbs and it was during this time that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were erected. It was also when the Inner Harbor pavilions were completed. Baltimoreans “of a certain age” will remember this as fondly as I remember with awe the first time seeing what were then the tallest buildings in the world.

In the aftermath of the destruction of the towers, there was a lengthy and deeply thoughtful conversation among all stakeholders as to how to move forward. What emerged was a solemn yet uplifting memorial park and a new solo tower.

The Harborplace pavilions are among Baltimore’s most iconic structures. Driving from Patterson Park to Mount Vernon recently, I saw the amazing patchwork quilt of architectural styles that represent the fabric of this city: Victorian, Art Deco, Neo-Classical, Federal, Edwardian, Modern, Brutalist (Rest in Peace, Morris Mechanic Theatre), even the dreaded 1980s Post-Modern.

Baltimore’s Inner Harbor redevelopment deserves a level of consideration commensurate with its place in this city’s history. This should not be sold out to a developer who is simply looking to line his pockets with millions of dollars of public funding (“Harborplace development throws Baltimore’s history to the wayside,” Aug. 23).

The proposed design might fit with the character of Dubai or Singapore, but not Baltimore. The pavilions should be evaluated for adaptive reuse and expanded focus on the actual harbor. Please vote “No” on the ballot measure “F.”

— Libby Francis Baxter, Baltimore

In praise of Jim Palmer (and my brother who admired him)

Thank you, Paul Bledsoe, for the wonderful commentary acknowledging the outstanding career of Jim Palmer (“Jim Palmer is baseball’s best commentator,” Sept. 10). It not only brought back wonderful memories of the great pitcher but also memories of my late great brother who always praised Jim Palmer.

My brother was an amazing athlete in his own right, with baseball as his favorite sport. He had hoped that someday he would play professionally. He provided me with so much knowledge about all sports but especially baseball.

What my brother especially respected about the former Orioles pitcher was that he was so honest about the players’ skills. He would not sugarcoat his thoughts about any athlete. As Bledsoe (and my brother) observed he’s the best commentator in baseball even when he occasionally interjects his own accomplishments!

I have also enjoyed seeing and hearing the 3-time Cy Young Award winner seem more relaxed and interactive with the team staff. Interjecting humor in his comments brings me smiles.

Go, O’s.

— Mary Ellen Stepowany, Baltimore

Clueless Browns have a major quarterback problem

If you need a poster child for unfettered ineptitude, look at the National Football League’s Cleveland Browns franchise and that team’s bonafide pickle with their quarterback, Deshaun Watson (“Browns’ Deshaun Watson denies latest sexual assault allegations,” Sept. 11).

What white-collared front office clueless nitwit would dare allow a dirtbag like Watson into their training camp or allow him on their roster? The NFL (aka ‘Goodell’s Goonies’) is now investigating yet another incident involving Watson. I am sure Browns fans are at their wits’ end regarding Watson and the dirt that follows him. Too many off field incidents, too little truth seeping out of Cleveland.

Those clouds keep getting darker for the Browns and their weekly calamities.

— Patrick R. Lynch, Towson

Larry Hogan is no Trump supporter

Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks is knowingly lying about former Gov. Larry Hogan (“Larry Hogan decries Maryland taxes and fees, echoing message from 2014 campaign,” Sept. 9).

Governor Hogan publicly refused to support Donald Trump for president. Yet, the television ads authorized by his Democratic opponent in the U.S. Senate race claim that he is a Trump supporter. She knows better.

Her ads also claim that Hogan is pro-life. Alsobrooks knows that he has a pro-abortion record and opposes a national abortion ban and most abortion restrictions. Yet, she claims otherwise. Trump and congressional leaders have made it clear that they have no plans to enact a national abortion ban.

The lies coming from Alsobrooks prove that she cannot be trusted. Do not let her lie her way into the Senate.

— Tim Phares, Laurel