‘Night of
100 Elvises’
Arnold, 41, confessed she was a big fan of Nordstrom’s Trunk Club.
“You can download the app and you have a specific personal stylist whom you can ask questions,” she said. “They send you about 10 items, you select the items you like and you send the rest back. The more you do it, the more she learns your style, so you end up liking more items.”
It wasn’t just Arnold’s closet that had been shaped by preselected items that come in boxes. The same could be said of her career as a private vegan chef.
“I lived out in California for a little while. There were farmers markets all over the place. I started doing [community-sourced agriculture] boxes — crop shares from local farms. Every week, they give you whatever is in season, and they give you recipes to it. And you get to try new products, new vegetables you’ve never tried before” she said.