Q: We hired a home inspector when we were buying a home. We received the report, reviewed it and later closed. The report indicated some minor issues but nothing major.

About a week after our closing, we called an air conditioning company to evaluate our system. We knew that some repairs would be needed. The contractor told us that he wouldn’t even dare get close to our heating unit. He showed my husband how the pipes and ducts around the furnace were wrapped in asbestos. He said the asbestos was in terrible condition and would need to be replaced by an asbestos contractor.

We called two companies, and both gave us an estimate of about $2,000 to remove and dispose of the asbestos. We called our inspector, who referred our call to the customer relations department. They said that they do not investigate or make recommendations when it comes to hazardous materials.

We were quite incensed. Of what value is the home inspection if they hide behind fine print and won’t disclose to us something that was clearly obvious to the heating contractor?

A: We have no idea why your inspector failed to advise you that you might have asbestos in the home. And we think it’s terrible that the inspector decided to hide behind fine print.

Yes, home inspectors can’t see everything and are not in a position to evaluate every item in a home. Frequently, inspection reports will exclude certain inspections unless a buyer hires the inspector to perform those inspections. Some of these additional inspections would be for radon, termites, lead-based paint, septic system conditions, well water quality, lead in the water, mold evaluations and asbestos-containing materials around a home. But an inspector should not avoid telling a homeowner of a problem if it is clear that the item exists.

If, for example, a home inspector sees evidence of termites in the home, we don’t expect the inspector to ignore the problem. The same would be the case if the inspector sees asbestos or evidence of mold in the home or other problems. There is nothing wrong with the inspector noting that the problem exists, or a potential problem exists, but that since the inspector has not been engaged to evaluate that specific issue, the homeowner should take further action to evaluate the situation.

Your inspector did nothing. He ignored the issue when he should have at least alerted you to it.

We believe that if inspectors take the position that they will ignore matters they are not capable of fully evaluating, then hiring the inspector has little value to a homebuyer. Frequently, inspectors will advise homeowners to consult electricians when they see electrical issues; plumbers on plumbing issues; heating and cooling contractors for furnace, boiler and air conditioning issues; lead experts for lead in the water or in or around the home; and radon experts for radon in a home, along with termite experts for wood-boring insect problems. And structural engineers when it comes to structural problems.

Let’s reiterate the main point: You hire a home inspector to tell you about specific problems that the home contains, or for the inspector to give you a heads-up on a potential problem, with a referral to a follow-up if something serious is in question.

We wouldn’t recommend that you use that company again. We’d advise that homebuyers use a home inspection company that is a member of the American Society of Home Inspectors or the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors.

Ilyce Glink is CEO of Best Money Moves and Samuel J. Tamkin is a real estate attorney. Contact them through ThinkGlink.com.