Where to begin? Before purchasing, plan. Planning is the first place one should begin when it comes to organization. The philosophy of “a place for everything and everything in its place” is a good rule to be your guide.

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Before getting started on your closet organization journey toss what you don’t need. If you haven’t worn something in over a year, it’s time for it to hit the donation or trash pile. Then, take inventory of what you want to keep, retaining those items that are your “must haves.” Finish by deciding where you want categories of items to go. Those items you use or wear often should be front and center and easily accessible.

What to buy: Depending on your budget there are a host of options to create organization and order.

Modest budget. If you are on a modest budget consider just adding shelving and bars for clothing, as cabinets and drawers are more intricate and costly.

Medium budget. These days, many retail stores offer various ready-made, off the shelf organization and cabinet options. If possible, meet with an in-house professional so that you can take advantage of their design and measuring services.

Ready to splurge? If budget isn’t an overwhelming concern, then built-ins are the way to go. Built-ins allow you to truly go custom. This process often involves a custom millworker or cabinet maker creating “shop” drawings and then building cabinetry to order.

Regardless of your budget, aim to create a closet organization plan that will serve your needs.