Daniel E. McIntyre III, a retired Deutsche Bank managing partner and securities lawyer, died Aug. 31 at his Roland Park home of a brain tumor. He was 64.

Daniel Edward McIntyre, son of Daniel E. McIntyre, a dentist, and his wife, Mary Toohey McIntyre, a homemaker, was born in Newark, New Jersey, and raised in Short Hills, New Jersey.

A 1974 graduate of Seton Hall Preparatory School in West Orange, New Jersey, he earned a bachelor’s degree in 1978 in economics from Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania. He obtained his law degree in 1981 from Seton Hall University Law School in Newark. Mr. McIntyre went to work for the Securities and Exchange Commission in New York City before joining the Manhattan law firm of Sage Gray Todd & Sims, where he honed his litigation skills, family members said.

After moving to Baltimore in 1989, he joined Alex. Brown & Sons as assistant general counsel, advising the retail division and later the investment banking group.

In 1997, Alex. Brown & Sons was acquired by Bankers Trust Co. and two years later by Deutsche Bank, where he managed the legal department until being sent to London in 2002, where he headed a team of 25 investment banking lawyers around the world.

Mr. McIntyre was riding his bicycle in London in 2007 when he was struck by a motorist, leaving him paralyzed from the chest down. Using a wheelchair, he continued working remotely for Deutsche Bank until last year, when he retired after being diagnosed with the brain tumor that ended his life.

“What always distinguished Dan from others was his casual elegance, his dignity, and his élan — in a word, his grace,” said Robert E. Patterson, deputy general counsel at Citizens Bank in Boston and a former colleague. “It was that quality, I believe, that served him so well as a lawyer and when he and his family most needed it. As his friends have said, he was the best of us.”

Mr. McIntyre coached Little League baseball both in London and Baltimore. He was a member of the board of Saint Frances Academy and the Roland Park Community Foundation. He was also the chairman of the Maryland Governor’s Commission on Disabilities.

He was a familiar presence in Roland Park, rolling along Roland Avenue in his wheelchair. He enjoyed mowing his own lawn and making home repairs. He also liked sitting on his back deck reading the newspaper and lunching on a hot dog while listening to Frank Sinatra on the radio.

Mr. McIntyre was a member of the Maryland Club and a communicant of St. Ignatius Roman Catholic Church and St. David’s Episcopal Church.

Because of the pandemic, plans for a memorial service are incomplete.

He is survived by his wife of 30 years, the former Cynthia Rittenhouse, former Bloomingdale’s creative director; two sons, Liam McIntyre of London and Peter McIntyre of New York City; a daughter, Cecily McIntyre of New York City; his parents, of Short Hills: two brothers, Bill McIntyre of Port Washington, New York, and John McIntyre of Madison, New Jersey; and two sisters, Marcy Rosen of Chatham, New Jersey, and Anne Merritt of Summit, New Jersey.

— Frederick N. Rasmussen