The defenders can’t see each other’s hands, so they observe certain procedures to help each other. They signal when necessary and use lead conventions such as “fourth highest.” But a defender need not do anything for declarer’s benefit.

Today’s West led a fourth-highest five of spades against 3NT. (West might have bid two spades over South’s 1NT.) East took the king and returned the deuce ... and instead of winning and leading a third spade, West followed with the six, as if he had led from a four-card suit.


South then thought it safe to force out the ace of hearts; he would lose two more spades but would have nine winners. West won and ran his spades for down two.

If West clears the spades, South will be afraid to attack the hearts. He will finesse in diamonds, winning four diamonds, four clubs and a spade.

West could afford to deceive his partner in this deal. He knew that East could have no more honors and would play no further part in the defense.


You hold: ? J 10 ? J 10 6 ? A 10 9 4 ? K J 10 5. Your partner opens one spade, you respond two clubs, he bids two hearts and you try 2NT. Partner then bids three spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s bidding suggests six spades, four hearts and extra strength. With a minimum hand, most experts would have rebid two spades to limit the strength. You have already bid aggressively (because of your four tens), but you must not pass now. Raise to four spades or bid 3NT.