Confirmed cases: 465,643

Positivity rate (7 day): 1.93%

Female 243,557 (4,641)

Male 222,086 (4,946)

Confirmed deaths: 9,587

Probable deaths: 219

Currently hospitalized: 159

Acute care: 114

Intensive care: 45

Ever hospitalized: 43,997

Released from isolation: 11,085

Fully vaccinated: 3,530,114

State population age 18 and over with at least one dose: 76.6%

Allegany 7,084 (211)

Anne Arundel 44,318 (654)

Baltimore 66,335 (1,650)

Baltimore City 53,413 (1,239)

Calvert 4,274 (85)

Caroline 2,363 (30)

Carroll 9,589 (249)

Cecil 6,444 (154)

Charles 11,077 (215)

Dorchester 2,866 (64)

Frederick 19,960 (334)

Garrett 2,066 (65)

Harford 16,775 (297)

Howard 19,487 (252)

Kent 1,365 (49)

Montgomery 71,742 (1,580)

Prince George’s 86,236 (1,562)

Queen Anne’s 3,029 (51)

St. Mary’s 6,134 (132)

Somerset 2,633 (42)

Talbot 2,198 (45)

Washington 14,733 (330)

Wicomico 7,795 (174)

Worcester 3,727 (105)

0-9 26,490 (3)

10-19 48,149 (6)

20-29 85,455 (44)

30-39 79,804 (108)

40-49 69,299 (291)

50-59 69,149 (815)

60-69 46,042 (1,636)

70-79 25,253 (2,429)

80+ 16,002 (4,253)

African American (NH) 145,510 (3,480)

Asian (NH) 11,539 (329)

White (NH) 165,169 (4,822)

Hispanic 70,787 (838)

Other (NH) 21,7787 (103)

Data not available 50,851 (15)

Note: NH = Non-Hispanic

Source: Maryland Health Department (updated Friday morning)