Carroll County Sheriff Jim DeWees is the new president of the Maryland Sheriffs’ Association, an organization founded 50 years ago to serve as a voice in Annapolis for the 24 sheriffs working in the state.

DeWees, 53, was elected to the one-year position at the association’s annual training conference held in Ocean City from Sept. 8-11. He was nominated and elected by his counterparts.

His term started on Sept. 11 and runs through Sept. 11, 2025. DeWees served as first vice president of the association for the last year. He replaces former president Joe Gamble, the Talbot County sheriff.

“Being elected by my peers to represent the association is an honor and privilege,” he said. “It’s humbling to have Maryland’s sheriffs put their faith in me to advocate for the best interests of law enforcement, and the constitutional office of the sheriff.”

DeWees said as president of the association he will work with lawmakers in the General Assembly to address juvenile crime, immigration law, and issues affecting sheriffs, and the counties they serve. DeWees will also represent the association on key legislation in Annapolis.

With the new position, DeWees is now a member of the Maryland Police Training and Standards Commission’s executive board, which creates policy and standards for all police and correctional jurisdictions in the state and conducts hearings and rulings on police and correctional officer certifications.

“The membership of the Maryland Sheriffs’ Association could not be more excited as we welcome our new association president, Sheriff Jim DeWees,” Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis, a former association president, stated in a Facebook post. “This is a pivotal moment for our association as we wait to see the fresh ideas and leadership that Sheriff DeWees brings to the table.

“We’re confident that our new president will help strengthen our relationships with Maryland lawmakers and enhance our collective efforts in protecting our communities and providing a greater quality of life for all Marylanders,” he stated.

Darren Popkin, a retired Montgomery County sheriff and the current executive director of the association, said it was a “true privilege” to swear in DeWees.

“Not only is Sheriff DeWees a remarkable leader, but he’s also a great father with having two children follow in his footsteps with careers in law enforcement,” Popkin said. “He brings heart, humility, and a deep commitment to serving our community. He’s well respected in both houses of [the] legislature and by the governor’s office. He will no doubt work to enhance public safety statewide over the next year”

DeWees, a Republican, was first elected to serve as the county’s sheriff in 2014, after he retired from his position as the Maryland State Police Special Operations Division commander. He spent 25 years with the state police, beginning his career when he was 18.