In a heartwarming turn of events, two abandoned puppies found near a grave in Utah at the Washington City Cemetery have brought comfort to a local family during the holiday season.

Steve Terry and his son Kyler discovered a post on Facebook showing two dogs – one black, one brown – nestled against the headstone of Steve’s late father, Sam Terry.

The black puppy bore a striking resemblance to Sam’s childhood dog, Duke, a black lab with a white patch on its chest.

“I almost felt like that dog had a purpose, like it was meant to be there,” Steve reflected.

Sam Terry, who grew up on a farm in Idaho, shared a deep bond with his dogs, who accompanied him for daily chores.

For the Terry family, the puppies’ presence felt like a message from Sam, who passed away in 2023.

“It feels like a tender mercy to say ‘Hey, look what’s happening here.’ I think there’s a deeper meaning,” Steve said.

The puppies, believed to be between 8 and 10 months old and possible lab-shepherd mixes, were taken to the Washington City Animal Shelter, 95 E. Industrial Drive.

Witnesses reported seeing a man abandon them near the cemetery before driving off.

Shelter staff have named the puppies, both girls, Sally and Clara.

This Christmas, the Terry family is finding solace in the unexpected visit from the puppies, viewing it as a reminder of a father’s love.

“There’s a real connection between dogs and people. They care for us, and I think these dogs showed us that love in a really unique way,” Steve said.

“Sam was a very loving person, with people and with his dogs. I think there’s a connection there and I think they’re watching over us every day,” said Judy Terry, Steve’s mother.