Mary Kay Connerton, the Maryland State Teacher of the Year, is adding another honor to her crowded desk. This time it is the Travelers Insurance Award for Teaching Excellence.

Connerton has worked for Anne Arundel County Public Schools for 15 years and now is the school system’s wellness coordinator.

Connerton, who went to the White House after being named teacher of the year, is one of 48 recipients nationwide. Given by the National Education Association Foundation, the award recognizes exceptional K-12 public school educators for excellence in the classroom, dedication to family and community engagement, a commitment to equity and diversity, and advocacy for the teaching profession.

“I am honored and humbled to be one of the 48 educators in the nation to receive the 2025 Travelers Award for Teaching Excellence through the NEA Foundation,” Connerton said in a news release Monday. “I am in awe that this work that I hold so dear to my heart is getting such notice because what drives me every day is simply doing everything I can to create a better world for our youth.”

Previously, Connerton was the wellness coordinator at Annapolis High School, where she created and led the school’s Trauma-Informed Leadership Team. She led monthly counseling groups, such as yoga sessions for specific student needs, and put together professional development for teachers with a focus on the health and wellness of students.