President Donald Trump, serenaded by billionaire white South African expatriates, has bellowed sanctimoniously against putative white oppression in post-apartheid South Africa. He accused the majority Black government of “confiscating” land from whites, while his sidekick Elon Musk has declared white farmers face “genocide.” They proclaim in D flat their deep concern for human rights, and Trump paused all funding of South Africa until he gets to the bottom for his human rights concerns for whites.
What’s wrong with this snapshot? Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk airbrush out of history at least five centuries of white theft of indigenous African land and invaluable resources like gold and diamonds in addition to enslavement of Africans by white Dutch Afrikaners and British plutocrat-adventurers like Cecil Rhodes at least since 1806.
White subjugation of Black people including pass laws and chronic savage attacks such as the Sharpeville massacre of 1960 did not end until 1994.
President Abraham Lincoln captured the odiousness of slavery in his second inaugural. He noted, “It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God’s assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men’s faces.” Mr. Lincoln added that the injustice of slavery was so monumental as to justify the continuation of the bloody Civil War “until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk … ”
Neither Mr. Trump nor Mr. Musk have acknowledged the stupendous white theft of Black labor, lands, gold and diamonds in South Africa worth trillions of dollars that enabled white South African farmers today to own any land at all. Have they hearts of stone?
White South African farmers are living off of fenced land and goods from their racist ancestors. Mr. Trump and Mr. Musk should adjust their sympathies accordingly.