Joy of motherhood tempered by 9/11
Women pregnant during the attacks share their stories

Maria Cullerton remembers the day as if it were yesterday.
The high school English teacher in River Forest, Ill, had just grabbed breakfast when the first plane hit the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, and Cullerton, who was 24 weeks pregnant with her first baby, was shocked.
She sat down on her chair and toppled backward to the ground, stunned by the news.
“The next night, we went to dinner, and I went to the ladies' room, and I was bleeding,” Cullerton said. At the emergency room, Cullerton fainted, was taken to a hospital room and was put on bed rest. The news coverage on every channel was about the attacks, 24 hours a day.
“It was horrible,” Cullerton said.
Fortunately, her son, Terry, was born on his due date without any complications.
Cullerton said she still feels lucky that the stress of the day and the aftermath of Sept. 11 didn't do more damage to her child, but others weren't as lucky.
A 2005 study by researchers at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found that babies born to women in the last half of their pregnancies who witnessed the attacks had higher levels of cortisol, a hormone that is an indicator of stress, than expected. Because the babies studied were about a year old, researchers said these high stress levels in the children may have been transferred by the mother to her child in the womb or by shared genetic susceptibility, said Jonathan Seckl, of the University of Edinburgh.
“Women who were pregnant on Sept. 11 and were directly exposed to the atrocity had reduction in pregnancy duration and probably had reduced-birth-weight offspring,” Seckl said recently. “The offspring show changes in their hormones and behavior, especially if the mother developed post-traumatic stress disorder.”
Typically, cortisol doesn't cross through the placenta due to a barrier enzyme in the placenta that inactivates the stress hormone, Seckl said. But when cortisol in the mother is very high, as it may well have been that day and over the course of the days following Sept. 11, cortisol can overcome the barrier, and the barrier is often reduced by stress anyway.
“Sept. 11 caused PTSD in around half of exposed people, including pregnant women,” Seckl said. “Many people recover with therapy; some do not.”
Those in the study were in the twin towers and escaped, or were in neighboring buildings, and Seckl said he isn't aware of data on how pregnant women fared who watched the events unfold on their TVs.
But Jane Ditelberg, who was 14 weeks along at the time, said that watching the nightmare on television was enough to traumatize her for life.
“I was always destined to be the type of mom who worried about everything, but being pregnant with my daughter at the time, it heightened all of that,” Ditelberg said. “Now you didn't have to worry that she could fall out of her high chair; now you had to worry that a madman could crash a plane into a building.”
Instantly, Ditelberg said, she became the person who had backup plans to backup plans. As she spoke, she said, she was tracking her 14-year-old daughter, Claire, whom she was pregnant with during the attacks, who was on a bus.
“I'm not sure that I would be this way if I hadn't been a parent on that particular day,” Ditelberg said.
The day of Ditelberg's amniocentesis for Claire was also the day of one of the anthrax scares that year, she said. And her “babymoon” was canceled because flights still weren't running because of Sept. 11.
For Susie Donohue, who also witnessed the events on TV, the stress got to be so great that she blames it for her son's health problems.
At the time, Donohue was five months pregnant with Simon, and her life was not going smoothly.
She was about to start graduate school while working as a pediatric physical therapist. She also was taking care of her toddler, dealing with the news that her husband had just lost his job and nursing an injury.
And then she heard the news of the attacks.
“I was thinking, ‘I just can't handle one more thing,'?” Donohue said.
She watched other mothers running to the supermarket to buy bottled water and wondered if she, too, should be stocking up. But Donohue simply couldn't function, she said.
When her son was born in February, he was diagnosed with craniosynostosis, and he had to have a craniotomy at 5 months to remove 30 percent of his skull. He also had multiple food allergies, including anaphylaxis to peanuts.
“I blamed myself,” Donohue said. “Was it stress? I never touched a drop of alcohol; I was under too much stress, the stress of Sept. 11 or the stress of every day. I don't know.”
Caelis Hoyle, of Fort Wayne, Ind., who was also pregnant during Sept. 11, said that as soon as she saw the coverage on television, she knew that life would never be the same.
“It was just a moment when I knew that their innocence was going to be stripped away,” said Hoyle, who had a 6-month-old baby and was nearly in her second trimester. “I knew in that moment that things were going to be different for them, growing up, going to school.
She was right. Hoyle's children now practice lockdown drills at school, and they ask her what it was like, that morning, when the planes hit the twin towers.
“As a mom, that's earth-shattering,” Hoyle said.
It was such a critical time to be bringing children into the world, said Julie Lane, who was in her first trimester with her second child at the time.
Critical because she knew that her kids could change the world, but also because they were going to have to live through lots of sadness.
“I was anxious, scared, sad that my kids were going to be living in this world now,” Lane said. “It was the end of innocence.”