State’s signature fish is under assault from mercury pollution
As if to underscore that point, some U.S. Geological Survey scientists have been
And what species found in Maryland waters turned out to have the highest amounts of this toxin, according to the research? That would be rockfish, or striped bass, the official state fish beloved not only as a worthy opponent by recreational fisherman but for its dinner plate appeal. Like oysters and blue crabs, rockfish are a Maryland tradition that, with all due respect to National Bohemian beer, practically define the Land of Pleasant Living. Alas, it appears the fish are first exposed to mercury in their formative years: As an anadramous species, striped bass give birth in freshwater and their offspring live there in rivers for their first two years of life even as most adults return to the Chesapeake Bay and Atlantic Ocean.
And where is this methylmercury coming from? Researchers aren’t certain what accounts for some variation in their samples (results were highest in the Susquehanna and Potomac rivers, for example) but the biggest single source is thought to be power plants that run on fossil fuels, especially coal. The mercury is contained in the fuel, released by combustion into the air where it eventually settles on the ground and then runs off into creeks, streams, lakes and rivers. It enters the food chain from bacteria to insects and then small amounts gradually build up in the fish. Needless to say, Maryland is not the only place where this bioaccumulation of mercury in fish is taking place; it’s a worldwide phenomenon and will take many years to potentially undo.
Yet here’s what is most important. Efforts to reduce fossil fuel consumption, to address coal-fired power plants have been thwarted by the Trump EPA. Earlier this year, the EPA took steps to specifically weaken the Obama administration’s Mercury and Air Toxic Standards that regulated power plant emissions. And that’s on top of rolling back carbon emissions standards (Affordable Clean Energy Rule) the Trump administration believed were causing economic harm to the coal industry. And that’s on top of
This consistent loosening of pollution standards deserves greater public scrutiny yet in the midst of a global pandemic, an economic recession, widespread protests over police violence and pervasive racism and inequality on top of the day-to-day ineptitude, lies and destructive incivility that’s spewed into the firmament by this White House, this can get lost. When you can’t safely eat a fish caught from a river, attention must be paid. The question is not so much how did this happen as it’s been decades in the making. The question that matters is, what are you going to do about it? Whether on duty or off, the Trump EPA has decided the answer is: Not much.