Biden should step aside

With his feckless firehose of lies and distortions, Trump did not win the debate, but Biden’s performance was catastrophic. If Biden truly believes that Trump is an existential threat to our nation, he should step aside. His legacy, like former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s, will be shattered due to hubris and selfishness, and his first-term accomplishments will be overshadowed.

— John Leopold, Stoney Beach

A terrific president is no longer fit to serve

Thank you for your June 30 editorial. I agree that Mr. Biden should step aside. He’s been a terrific president, but it is obvious that the job has taken a lot out of him, and he is no longer fit to serve. He could cement his legacy as a great president and defender of democracy by stepping aside and allowing the Democratic Party to choose someone else.

— Kristina Strakna, Baltimore

Biden should remain in the race

President Biden should fight through to the end. I write this as someone almost in tears over the debate. How did we ever arrive at this?

But the point remains that this is where we are. All the “shoulda/woulda/couldas” in the world don’t change the facts on the ground. When the choice is between a badly stained Lucifer and Don Quixote, I’ll stick with the “Impossible Dreamer.” It’s too late for recriminations.

— Mary Leach, Baltimore

It’s time to go

President Joe Biden has earned our respect and appreciation for his unflinching support of America’s stated values and beliefs, serving in every political capacity up to the presidency as a standard bearer for everything that is good about America. Thank you, Mr. President.

But it is now time for him to step down and let others take on the job. It is time for younger blood to serve and uphold the American values he has always supported, and which are held by a wide majority of citizens. Let the Democratic National Convention choose a new standard bearer who can hold the ground against the lunacy raging on the right.

The hubris of former Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg not retiring resulted in a Supreme Court far more conservative than it should be. Please, President Biden, do not make the same mistake as she did.

— N.L. Bruggman, Jarrettsville

Doubtful about four more years with Biden

As long as Joe has someone to write catchy speeches along with a functioning teleprompter, he will probably be just fine.

However, in view of his debate performance after substantial prepping from his advisors and the absence of these props means that voters need to take a more concerted look at that disconnect. Furthermore, a rational person has to wonder what four more years of someone who displays increasing age-related signs of cognitive and physical declines can continue to meet the wide-ranging challenges and duties required of the leader of this country.

I personally have my doubts.

— Michael Ernest, Catonsville

Biden replacement should be picked soon

I was a reluctant Biden supporter before the debate because I felt he was weak and too old. Sure, he has made great accomplishments which were spearheaded by an excellent staff and Cabinet. But any good leader surrounded by a quality staff could do the same. After last night’s debate, I still feel that a second Biden administration could make great accomplishments, but too much is at stake here. The security of Europe, climate change and democracy in the United States are just a few of the issues. We all know Trump is unfit and a pathological liar. However, a replacement for Biden should be considered and, if chosen, selected within two weeks. A replacement for Biden yes but only if it defeats Trump who is a real threat to our democracy and our world.

— Vince Gardina, Parkton

Biden over Trump any day

President Biden looked and sounded aged during Thursday night’s debate with former President Trump. He was nervous and speaking so fast he occasionally misstated a fact (such as the cost of an insulin shot). Once he lost his train of thought and later could not finish a sentence coherently. He has since admitted he made a poor showing in this debate.

By contrast, Trump was poised, loud, and forcefully stated his self-serving lies (fact-checkers found many) and exaggerations. He repeatedly dodged sensitive questions and changed the subject. Belittling Biden in nearly every response, he revealed himself as vindictive as the 13-year-old playground bully he is at heart. I get the sense that Trump fully believes the lies and misjudgments that he has strategically recited so often in the past.

For me, there’s no question about it. Given a match between a megalomaniac living within his own reality bubble, and an aging, hard-working and truthful leader who can show needed accomplishments and initiatives in our nation over the last four years, I’ll take Biden any day.

— Bruce Knauff, Towson

Biden needs to drop out of the race now

On June 30, the Sun’s opinion editor asked: “Should Biden be running for reelection?” The answer is unequivocally no. Last December I expressed that view in a letter the Sun headed “Biden should step aside to prevent disastrous Trump second term” (Dec. 22). Since then, the president’s low approval rating has sunk even lower. His awful debate performance on June 27 only reinforced widespread public concerns about his age and mental acuity.

In my view, an impaired Joe Biden would still be better for our democracy than Donald Trump. But, according to most polls, the majority of voters don’t agree. President Biden saved us from Donald Trump in 2020. He needs to do so again in 2024 by dropping out of the race now.

— Herb Cromwell, Catonsville

President should bow out

We must put country over party and personal loyalty. Biden should step aside now before it’s too late.

— Robert B. Curran, Lutherville-Timonium

Hoping for a Biden replacement

In a pragmatic world I would nominate Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for president and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro for vice president at the upcoming Democratic convention in August. If I were an influential Democratic political operative, I would use the next seven weeks to convince the power brokers in the party to understand that if the single most important thing is to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office, the combination of Whitmer and Shapiro gives us the best chance to do so because it boosts our chances in two key swing states. Given that the states of Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada and Wisconsin are the only ones electorally in doubt, in a close election this combination of charismatic, younger politicians gives us the best chance of victory.

Of course, we do not live in a pragmatic world so President Biden will continue his run. And even if he were forced to bow out later for medical reasons, we would be stuck with the unpopular Vice President Kamala Harris as the alternative. Not a great turn of events for those of us wishing to save our democracy.

— Marc Goldstein, Owings Mills

Longing for better choices in November

I’ve been reading the Sun for 55 years. I liked your open discussion on the debate, and it looked at both sides. Who won? Neither candidate. Who lost? Like you said, we all did. Isn’t that the way politics goes in this country lately? It sure feels that way to me, especially here in Baltimore City. What a mess we have!

If I had to pick a winner of the debate, it would be Trump. Yes, I voted for him both times, but that’s not the reason why. Joe Biden is simply unfit to lead this country. His mental ability is well known worldwide, and this scares me on national security. I think Trump is feared by our enemies and this is the main reason I would vote for him against Biden. Trump was more lucid and stayed on point better than Biden. Trump certainly lied and pushed aside some of the key issues.

Wish we had better choices this coming November!

— Henry Marconi III, Roland Park

President needs to hear an honest opinion from the first lady

I don’t know who won the debate, but the American people lost. We all saw where our country may be headed, and it is not comforting. Trump wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked him between his eyes. If there is a more disgusting American politician in this century than Trump, I’d need to be educated.

Poor Joe needs to finally hear an honest opinion from Jill! I truly felt sorry for him as he fumbled far too often attempting to complete a thought.

I am not looking forward to November!

— Sam Ketterman, Timonium