WASHINGTON — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Thursday embraced the support of allies who have provided substantial new aid and a path to joining NATO, even as he emphatically pushed for the help to arrive faster and for restrictions to be lifted on the use of U.S. weapons to attack military targets inside Russia.

“If we want to win, if we want to prevail, if we want to save our country and to defend it, we need to lift all the limitations,” Zelenskyy said alongside NATO Secretary- General Jens Stoltenberg in the final hours of a summit.

Earlier in the day, President Joe Biden announced a new military aid package and pledged to Zelenskyy: “We will stay with you, period.”

Though Zelenskyy offered public thanks for the package and a promise by NATO leaders that Ukraine is now on an “irreversible path” to membership in the military alliance, he also sounded an alarm: Ukraine cannot win the war with Russia, now in its third year, unless the U.S. ends limits on the use of its weapons to attack military targets in Russia.

The Biden administration allows Ukraine to fire weapons into Russian territory only for the purpose of hitting back against Russian forces that are attacking or preparing to attack them, concerned that the broader use of American-made weaponry could provoke Russia to widen the war.

Stoltenberg and French President Emmanuel Macron have championed Ukraine’s efforts to win more leeway in how it can use U.S.-provided arms.

Stoltenberg argued Thursday that the war had changed since the early days when the fighting was deeper into Ukrainian territory.

“Since Russia opened a new front ... the only way to hit military targets, military launchers or airfields that attack Ukraine is to hit military targets in Russian territory,” he said.

At a one-on-one meeting with Zelenskyy earlier in the day, Biden touted the military aid package consisting of $225 million of support, including an additional Patriot missile system to bolster Ukraine’s air defenses.