Options for socking away money for college have changed significantly since the days when the choices for many parents were regular savings accounts, checking accounts and savings bonds.

So how to explain why so many families are entrusting their college dollars to — you guessed it — savings accounts, checking accounts and savings bonds instead of tax-advantaged options, such as 529 college savings plans?

As businesses, foundations and other organizations rally in the coming weeks to promote America Saves events across the country, a report about college savings habits from Sallie Mae and its Ipsos research partner shows there’s still work to do to raise awareness about 529 plans.

In the latest “How America Saves for College” study, researchers asked parents how they primarily save money for college. Here’s what they found:

61 percent of the parents surveyed used a traditional savings account for money earmarked for college.

38 percent used checking accounts.

Nearly 33 percent of parents used either investment accounts or certificates of deposit for college savings.

About 25 percent used other investment options, including Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, savings bonds or life insurance.

As for the state-sponsored 529 accounts, which can be used to pay for qualified higher education expenses, about 37 percent of the parents surveyed said they have opened one. That’s up from 27 percent in 2015.

Those parents who have 529 accounts tend to be from higher-income households (55 percent), compared to those in middle- and low-income households (38 percent and 19 percent, respectively).

Moreover, those who use 529s save about 25 percent more for college on average than those who don’t, Sallie Mae noted.

The average amount saved in a 529 plan was $7,534, compared with an average of $6,043 in a general savings account and $5,004 in certificates of deposit, both of which offer safer, but paltry returns.

To be sure, putting any money away for college is a good thing. And I’ve always thought CDs in particular, with their locked in rates, make for a solid foundation in any college savings plan.

But aren’t parents leaving a lot of potential income on the table by relying so heavily on conservative, traditional approaches? I posed that question to Sallie Mae.

“When it comes to 529s, it still seems to be an awareness issue,” said Rick Castellano, a spokesperson for the financial services company. And despite marketing efforts, he added, “many parents simply don’t know about them or know enough about them to feel confident in opening one. ... That’s why we still see many folks gravitating toward general savings accounts.”

The bottom line, Castellano said, is that the financial services industry must do more to raise awareness about 529 programs.

There’s also a role for community-based nonprofits, especially foundations.

In my hometown of Kansas City, for example, the Kauffman Foundation (www.kauffmanscholars.org) has put considerable time and money into a new Kauffman Scholars program launched last year.

Part of the Kauffman Scholars’ $79 million, 10-year commitment provides about 500 Kansas City-area ninth graders, primarily from lower-income urban families, the opportunity to open a 529 savings account with money seeded by the foundation. Some of those students also will be eligible to receive matching funds of up to $5,000 in their 529 account, and other financial incentives and an additional $2,000 in incentives for completing key college-ready milestones while in high school.

It may take more creative approaches like this to help promote better college savings habits. And while it may feel impossible at times, having a plan and understanding all your savings options will make it easier.

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