Buy yourself some time
Not chasing big paycheck brings greater rewards
magine you have two choices on how to proceed in your career: You can sign on to a high-profile, high-stress project that will result in long hours but greater earnings, or you can stick with a less prestigious career track and make less money but have a much more humane schedule.
For many the answer seems obvious — the bigger, more important job. That’s what success looks like, right? Aren’t we constantly urged to reach high, take chances and invest in ourselves?
But here’s the rub: A huge amount of research has been done on these sort of tradeoffs and it reveals our instincts are all wrong. We think we should work hard to make bank to buy ourselves security and nice things, and that will make us happy.
But tons of science shows we’d probably be happier if we had less money but more time.
That’s the takeaway from a Harvard Business Review story from Harvard business professor Ashley Whillans. Here’s the essence of her argument:
Research consistently shows that the happiest people use their money to buy time. Research with nearly 100,000 working adults from all over the world has found that people who are willing to give up money to gain more free time — by, say, working fewer hours or paying to outsource disliked tasks — experience more fulfilling social relationships, more satisfying careers, more joy and, overall, live happier lives.
The science might be clear, but that doesn’t mean following this path is easy. As Whillans acknowledges, our world is set up in such a way to make obsessing about money the default approach to life. Net worth is our most common shorthand for success.
It’s also true that modern life is expensive — the cost of housing, education and health care have all shot up relative to incomes — so fretting about finances can feel unavoidable. And for those struggling to get by, more money will lead to less stress, of course.
Some research has even put a price on just how much someone needs to feel fine. It peaks at $75,000 per year. At more than $75,000, people don’t report any greater degree of happiness, a Princeton University study found.
Giving up you crazed workweeks to become a craftsman and live in a cabin or retire to a beach shack feels impossible for most of us. Entrepreneurs, in particular, may struggle to work less when they’re in the thick of starting a new venture.
But Whillans has some realistic ideas for how to start spotlighting time rather than money in our decision making. Here are a few.
“Because we overestimate the amount of time needed to enjoy an experience, we end up wasting small pockets of free time that we could use more effectively. Five minutes spent socializing with a colleague or 20 minutes on an elliptical machine often have more powerful mood benefits than we expect,” Whillans says.
“Volunteering is not only linked to greater happiness but also increases your feelings of time affluence,” reports Whillans.
These five ideas are only the tip of the iceberg. Start thinking more about time and less about money, including what leaders can do to help employees be less stressed about time.