I have never been politically involved and am certainly not a political junkie or activist. However, I can no longer sit on the sidelines. The stakes for our future — especially for the Jewish community in America and the State of Israel — are just too high. This year has featured increasingly polarized politics, overt antisemitism, blatant hostility toward Israel and continued gridlock and failure of our political leaders. I fear it will only get worse — unless we break the mold and turn the tide.

Of course, everyone points to the other side as the source of these problems. Frankly — each side is right. That’s because too much of our politics and too many of our leaders are mired in partisanship, following the party line, cowardice and immaturity. I hope we can all agree that what we really need are mature, strong leaders who are able and willing to think independently, craft commonsense solutions and stand up to extremism — and at the same time speak and support truth and distinguish between right and wrong.

Sometimes it only takes one person — the right person at the right time — to make a difference. I believe that former Gov. Larry Hogan is that person. His record as two-term governor of Maryland with a Democratic-controlled legislature speaks for itself and should be celebrated by Democrats and Republicans alike. Nearly every person I speak to says they love and respect him and what he did for our state. Unlike the empty promises of support for Israel and the Jewish community made by other Maryland politicians in the House and Senate, Hogan actually kept his word and faithfully stood with Israel and Maryland’s Jewish community when he was governor. We can, and should, trust him to do so again. He has committed over and over — generally and in specific policy stances — to be a bipartisan, independent, commonsense senator in Washington. If given the chance, he will deliver.

I have heard all the worries and objections. But for years, the Jewish community has been pressured to support many current members of Congress with the promise and assurance that they will be independent-minded, supportive of Israel and responsive to the concerns of the Jewish community once elected. It hasn’t worked out — and it’s getting worse.

Hogan’s opponent, Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, even called for withholding arms to Israel if it entered Rafah — which is where American hostages were being held alive. There’s just too much at stake to elect a fair-weather friend or another outright antagonist of Israel and Zionism like Senator Chris Van Hollen. As long as we continue to elect inexperienced candidates who campaign on more of the same divisive, toxic politics, that’s exactly what we’ll get. These serious times require experienced people who have the backbone and wisdom to lead us to a new day, craft commonsense solutions and reject extremism on each side of the aisle. All things considered, Hogan is the only person for the job. He has been an unwavering, proven and effective leader fighting antisemitism and always defending and supporting America’s greatest ally, the State of Israel.

Standing up for Israel today takes independence, courage and conviction — like that of Senator John Fetterman of Pennsylvania. Combating antisemitism on campuses, in our schools and on our streets means bucking trends, putting political aspirations aside and doing what’s right under principles of justice, free speech, freedom of religion and our democratic system.

Most of us aren’t political leaders and don’t have opportunities to have a direct impact on our times. But this year, with an election that will be decided on the margins, the Jewish community does have the power to decide who represents us. Our power is our vote — the bedrock of the system that the founders of this great country created. And this year, this election comes down to us. This Election Day is our time to stand up for ourselves. We can do something to fight antisemitism, protect Jews in America and defend the State of Israel against all who seek or enable others to weaken, delegitimize and destroy it. We can elect Larry Hogan to be the next senator from the State of Maryland and have a reliable pro-Jewish and pro-Israel voice we can count on. I hope you’ll join me in doing just that.

Joseph Turitz is a lawyer living in Silver Spring.