Nicole Beus Harris

50, Chairwoman, Maryland Republican Party

Nicole Beus Harris was only 14 years old when her father tossed her a voter guide and asked which candidates and ballot questions she favored.

“I was like, ‘Dad, I’m only 14. I can’t vote.’ And my dad said, ‘I don’t care. You need to learn how to do your research.'”

Harris says her work in politics stems from her marketing background. She previously served in a lead administrative role with management consulting company Robert Half International Inc., before starting her own consulting company for businesses and, eventually, Maryland political campaigns. Harris is the wife of Maryland’s sole Republican U.S. Rep. Andy Harris, who is running for an 8th term this fall.

As Maryland Republican Party Chairwoman, she says her biggest challenge is championing GOP candidates in a state where the party is outnumbered. But even in her personal life, she says, it’s possible to find common ground with people on the other side of the aisle.

She also urges listening to constituents — on or off the campaign trail.

“I’ve told all the members of the Republican Central Committees, the 24 jurisdictions, that they need to be listening to their neighbors and forming relationships at all times, not just when we need their vote,” she said. “Real leadership listens.”

— Brooke Conrad