Defense against a bubble
Diversified portfolio
is still the best bet
In the ninth year of an indefatigable bull market, which for now remains undeterred in the face of congressional investigations, devastating hurricanes and the threat of nuclear war, investors are starting to worry about a speculative bubble.
From the November presidential election through August, Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index returned 18 percent, far more than an average year’s worth of gains. The so-called FAANG stocks — Facebook (symbol FB), (AMZN), Apple (AAPL), Netflix (NFLX) and Google parent Alphabet (GOOGL) — rallied even more. Bitcoin, the digital currency that circulates from computer to computer, was up 675 percent since January.
The exact definition of a bubble depends on whom you ask, but it’s safe to say that bubbles are more than inflated prices. They’re marked by the narratives that circulate about them, says Robert Shiller, the Yale professor and Nobel laureate whose book, “Irrational Exuberance,” is in its third edition.
Tales of fortunes being made, often with a new-era twist, are accepted as justification for price increases and a reason to expect more, drawing ever more investors in, he says. “Attention to others’ successes, and perhaps feeling left out, is part of the emotional ambience of a bubble.”
Bitcoin, with no intrinsic value of its own, fits Shiller’s definition to a T. “There are lots of cryptocurrencies, but none of them has as good a story,” he says.
There’s a mythological inventor whom no one can find. The freedom from government control appeals to independent-minded people. And the blockchain technology (the virtual ledger of digital currencies) “sounds so clever and so modern,” he says.
Stocks? They’re bubbly too, and the narrative stoking them is the Trump revolution and its promise of American greatness and entrepreneurial success, Shiller says. I didn’t ask the economist about his politics, and I don’t think it plays into his thinking.
But he’s certain of this: “Trump has an ear for psychology. He knows the importance of a story.”
Timing is tricky. Bubbles can go on for a long time, and it’s hard to know when they’ll end. For what it’s worth, Shiller has not appreciably lightened up on his stock investments (although he has moved more overseas, given high valuations in the U.S.).
The best defense against a bubble is a diversified portfolio. The advice may sound banal, says Meir Statman, a finance professor at Santa Clara University, but it works.
Just as watching your weight, exercising and not smoking are dull but dependable ways to stay healthy, diversifying your investments in accordance with your risk tolerance and stage in life will keep your portfolio from taking a turn for the worse.