When forcing pussy willows, do I put them in a dark room or near a bright window? What else besides pussy willows can I force into bloom?

Pussy willows are easy and fun, but you can also collect branches of flowering cherry, pear, apple, quince, redbud, forsythia and some viburnums. Select the plumpest buds for the fastest opening; smaller buds may dry out before they can open. Cut branches in early afternoon and soak their entire lengths overnight or for several hours in warm water. Be sure cut ends are underwater. Recut branch ends and place branches upright in a bucket or container of warm water. The best flowers occur when placed in bright sunshine. A southern exposure produces the best color but may be too warm. Ideal forcing temperatures are 55 to 65 degrees. Make sure to keep the water over the cut ends. When buds begin to show color in two weeks or so, transfer to a vase. A cool location will prolong flowering.


Are there cherry trees for our area that produce fruit that is actually good to eat? If so, what are some good varieties? Any suggestions on where to buy the trees?

Sweet and tart cherry trees grow well in Maryland. In the information library on the Home and Garden Information Center website listed below, you'll find a list of cultivars and nurseries that supply fruit trees. Some examples to get you started: Stella, Lapins and Starkrimson are varieties of sweet cherry trees that are self-fertilizing; for tart cherry trees, you can choose from Montmorency, Meteor and Northstar cultivars. Cherry trees and fruits are subject to a number of diseases and insect pests, so be sure to do your homework.

University of Maryland Extension's Home and Garden Information Center offers free gardening and pest information at extension.umd.edu/hgic. Click “Ask Maryland's Gardening Experts” to send questions and photos 24/7.