Chenire Harrell-Carter

50, Director of Community and Experiences, MAG Partners

Chenire Harrell-Carter feels personally connected to her role with MAG Partners, lead developer of the Baltimore Peninsula community sprouting on the once-industrial South Baltimore waterfront.

Since 2020, Carter has been chief liaison between developers and six nearby South Baltimore neighborhoods, including her Cherry Hill birthplace, which was or still is home to five generations, including her grandchildren.

A former fundraiser for local nonprofits, Harrell-Carter manages developers’ agreements that have so far funneled $1 million in grants to counter disinvestment in the six neighborhoods.

Her family taught her to turn obstacles into opportunities. Her grandparents put down roots in Cherry Hill at a time when Black home buyers faced discrimination. One son now lives in that home.

Harrell-Carter sees growth of such opportunity for those who live, work and own or patronize businesses in current and future phases of Baltimore Peninsula.

“We really have an opportunity for people to build their story and become the first generation to say, ‘I lived and worked in Baltimore Peninsula,'” she said. “We build spaces, but we actually build places where people are able to build on their own dreams and foundations.”

— Lorraine Mirabella