5471 Muddy Creek Road, Churchton. 240-903-8100. jessejays.com

JesseJay’s Latin Inspired Kitchen offers an authentic fusion of Mexican and Puerto Rican cuisine, combining the owners’ backgrounds and love for hospitality.

Jesse Ramirez grew up cooking with his grandmother, went to culinary school, and worked at restaurants in Baltimore for 15 years. Jayleen Fonseca worked in corporate food production for 17 years and dreamed of owning a restaurant. The couple opened JesseJay’s in 2019, innovating with a food truck and outdoor seating to survive the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s fresh, delicious Latin food, just like our abuelitas — our grandmas — taught us, with good service the way it should be,” said Fonseca.

The restaurant features ample parking, a bar, and outdoor seating options, including a large cabana and a grassy space for kids to play. The menu ranges from typical Latin dishes, like eight varieties of tacos and nachos, to authentic dishes such as the Fried Red Snapper, served whole on a platter.

— Bridget Byrne