The Maryland Stadium Authority will release a long-awaited report on the future of Pimlico Race Course today, with lawmakers and racing officials hoping the study will spur discussion about the site’s long-term viability as the home of the Preakness.

Though the report is the first part of a larger study, it’s expected to include specific estimates for how much it would cost to make the Baltimore track economically competitive with the homes of the other Triple Crown horse races — the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes.

The report will not recommend a specific course of action. Instead, racing officials and lawmakers say it will serve as a jumping-off point for talks about the future of the track and whether it can continue accommodating the Preakness.

“I’m very hopeful this will lead to fruitful discussion,” said Del. Sandy I. Rosenberg, a Baltimore Democrat whose district includes Pimlico.

Officials with the Stronach Group, which owns Pimlico and Laurel Park, say the need for a more modern facility grows more urgent every year.

“I’m excited that we’re talking about it and not just kicking the can down the road,” said Tim Ritvo, chief operating officer for the Stronach Group’s racing division.

The debate has been put off for years because of the anticipated price tag of building a modern facility at Pimlico.

Ritvo said it would not make economic sense for the Stronach Group to foot the entire bill for a facility that won’t be used for most of the year (Pimlico will host just 12 days of racing in 2017). But it’s unclear whether state leaders would be willing to take on the financial burden.

Rosenberg said he’s optimistic a public-private partnership could get the project rolling. Ritvo said the Stronach Group could find that amenable.

The stadium authority launched its study last spring with the backing of state legislators, the Stronach Group and the Maryland Racing Commission, an appointed panel that regulates the industry.

Looming over the debate is the possibility of moving the Preakness to Laurel.

