through Sept. 1.

Weekend Warrior is offered through a partnership between the county schools, the Roving Radish meals program and the Howard County Local Children’s Board. Kori Jones, who helped organize the program from the Local Children’s Board,said the countyhad hoped to have Weekend Warrior help fill the gap in weekday service during August, but that aplan could not be created in time this year.

Jones said officials had seen an increase in the number of Weekend Warrior participants throughout the summer. At the program’s launch, 30 backpacks of food were brought to each location; that number has expanded to nearly 75 backpacks.

Bassett said Howard County schools must end the program before the academic year starts in order to give custodial and maintenance staff time to restock and clean equipment in school cafeterias and kitchens.

He also said the county is exploring ways to further expand the summer lunch program next year, which could include mobile meal services or offering lunches at locations other than schools during the final weeks of the summer.