Arundel digest
School security upgrades proposed
Schuh wants to add 20 resource officers and bulletproof shields
Anne Arundel County Executive Steve Schuh unveiled a two-year, $14.8 million plan Tuesday that he said would boost school security with more officers, more secure doors and bulletproof shields.
The proposal would add 20 school resource officers to public schools, enough to staff every high school and middle school. The money would also provide bulletproof shields for every school — equipment county police Chief Tim Altomare said would be used by officers or even staff if needed.
“It takes time, if there is not an officer directly present, to get cops to the scene of something like this,” Altomare said. “As Sandy Hook and Florida have taught us, minutes mean lives.”
The funds would also pay for lock upgrades for 4,000 classroom interior doors and double-door security at all high schools in the county. His proposal also includes money for more than 1,500 cameras.
The announcement by Schuh, who was flanked by county schools Superintendent George Arlotto, comes in the wake of a school shooting in Florida that killed 17 people and kicked off a wave of debate over gun control and school security. Schools spokesman Bob Mosier said there have been a dozen incidents involving threats to schools since the shooting in Florida occurred Feb. 14.
Schuh said his administration might seek emergency funding in the current budget, but that most of the money he has proposed would come in the next two fiscal years. Funding would require approval by the County Council.
Schuh, a Republican, is up for re-election this year, facing Democrat Steuart Pittman in November. Pittman said he supports all the initiatives Schuh announced Tuesday, adding that he also thanks elected officials who voted to ban assault rifles in Maryland.
Arlotto also announced some steps the system itself will take to enhance security. It is bringing back the School Safety and Security Council, a body composed of police, principals, assistant principals, parents and students, to examine and make recommendations for improving security. The council has been defunct for about four years, schools spokesman Bob Mosier said.
They’re also making room for regular beat officers to visit schools when they’re in the area, and will provide desk space, printers, offer Wi-Fi and give the officers a chance to walk around, adding an additional level of security to the building, Arlotto said.
“If they need a place to step in and work on a report or get off their feet for a minute, we’re going to welcome them into the buildings,” Arlotto said.
Annapolis mayor names two to housing authority
Annapolis Mayor Gavin Buckley has selected two appointees to the housing authority board of commissioners, replacing two members who left in recent months.
Buckley has recommended Philip Gibbs and Michael G. Miller to fill positions on the seven-member board that oversees the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis. They will replace Chip Doordan and John Dillon, who resigned in December and January.
Gibbs is the president and co-founder of Hamel Builders, a general contracting firm that developed the Light House Shelter and redeveloped the Annapolis Gardens public housing property as mixed-income townhouses. He has served on the board of the Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition and the Anne Arundel Medical Center.
Miller is the CEO of Ogos Energy LLC, a renewable energy development company with a focus on solar power. Miller worked in the public utility industry for 12 years. He has also engaged in political advocacy and served on the board of the District 30 Democratic Club.
The new appointees, if approved, will join an authority that has stabilized under leadership from housing authority director and CEO Beverly Wilbourn after months of turnover. HACA is headed toward redevelopment under the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department’s rental assistance demonstration program, which allows local housing authorities to convert their properties from a public housing model to a Section 8 model.