It’s been heartening to see Democratic introspection following our 2024 election losses. Some Democrats are clinging to the idea that Americans are too mean, selfish or racist to vote for a left-of-center party, but others are realizing our party itself is the problem. If 2024 is a wake-up call, 2025 can be a year of Democratic renewal. We can appreciate the passion of the left but decide the center is better suited to set our agenda. Thoughtful members of the left may realize the country isn’t with them. They may see that a center-left Democratic Party that shares some of their views and wins elections is a better option than ceding ground to a Republican Party with whom they have much less in common.
I’m excited for a more centrist Democratic Party and think it’s useful to have a vision the party can adopt or debate. I define centrist Democrats in two ways: first by a mindset, then by a commitment to achievable policies.
First, the mindset. Centrist Democrats understand our party doesn’t have all the answers. We recognize that collaborating with conservative partners is a path to better and more sustainable policies. We celebrate our diverse society, including those Americans whose political beliefs don’t comport with our own. We’re willing to settle for incremental progress when the alternative is no progress at all.
We don’t automatically oppose Republican policies but accept, modify or reject them based on our analysis of their merits. We don’t impose our views on others but set a constructive example, achieve results, honor our nation and communicate calmly, honestly and well. We do these things because they’re right, and to earn the support of Americans.
Our positions respect the aspirational but pursue the achievable. Centrist Democrats are pro-choice, unequivocally in the case of rape and the health of the mother, but accept limitations at the point of fetal viability. We support policies that make it easier for women exercising their reproductive rights to make the choice to continue a pregnancy. On guns, we support universal background checks and red flag laws that remove weapons from people deemed dangerous after careful adherence to due process. We can imagine a country without assault-style weapons but focus on government policies that incentivize the purchase of gun safes and trigger locks, and we seek a partnership with the National Rifle Association to inculcate a culture of responsible gun ownership and training. We believe these reasonable positions on guns do more to save lives than an endless battle about gun prohibitions and confiscation.
Centrist Democrats are pro-immigrant and pro-immigration but believe controlling the southern border is necessary. Uncontrolled crossings make a mockery of the government’s authority and validate a culture of lawlessness, where everyone seems able to choose which laws should be followed. Centrist Democrats have compassion for migrants and make efforts to improve conditions in their home countries, but we honor our laws by enforcing them.
We believe the free market is a powerful tool to generate wealth and increase living standards. But we don’t believe an unregulated market is best for the American people. We seek a balance that prevents excess but preserves the incentives required to spur investment and innovation. We remember that spending on national defense and social programs is impossible without the revenue generated by the private sector.
Centrist Democrats are hesitant to alter the structures of government. Expanding the Supreme Court or eliminating the Senate filibuster might advance our positions in the short term, but we know any gains would be tenuous and reversible when Republicans achieve a majority or decide to expand the Supreme Court and pack it with their own friendly justices.
Centrist Democrats support national service and civics education in schools. We believe Americans should be educated in their responsibilities as well as their rights. For Americans to see the beauty of our system they need to understand its tenets. Centrist Democrats know we can teach our children about the faults of our nation without undermining their love of country. And we believe national service can help stitch together a divided nation.
While I hope for the revival of a more traditional Republican Party, it’s right in the meantime for Democrats to oppose Republican extremes. In our constitutional system, that’s the job of the minority party. As the Republicans prepare to exercise their electoral mandate, Democrats would do well to focus on the renovation of our party. We can earn our own electoral mandate if we get it right.
Colin Pascal (colinjpascal@outlook.com) is a retired Army lieutenant colonel, a registered Democrat and a former member of the Veterans for Hogan Coalition. He lives in Annapolis.