Q: After reading that dark chocolate has health benefits, I learned to enjoy it. Eating it didn’t reduce my arthritis aches, though.

Then I read in the newspaper that researchers discovered that gut microbes convert some chocolate ingredients into anti-inflammatory compounds.

Apparently, 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder a day is sufficient. This must be plain 100 percent cocoa powder, such as is used in baking, not Dutch-processed cocoa.

Chemist John Finley, the researcher, said he avoids the sugar and fat that would come from eating so much chocolate candy by putting cocoa in his oatmeal. Since following his example, I’ve rarely had arthritis pain.

A: Your letter sent us on a search for Dr. Finley’s research. We found a press release regarding Bifidobacterium in the digestive tract producing anti-inflammatory compounds by fermenting cocoa powder. Other research has demonstrated that cocoa compounds can reduce immunoglobulin secretion in the intestine (Frontiers in Nutrition, June 27, 2017). This research demonstrated a benefit in experimental arthritis in rats, but we don’t have clinical trials in humans.

We are delighted to learn how well you are doing by adding 2 tablespoons of cocoa to your morning oatmeal. We have documented a number of other nondrug approaches to alleviating arthritis pain in our new 104-page book “The Graedons’ Guide to Alternatives for Arthritis.” It may be purchased at www.PeoplesPharmacy .com.

Q: I used Advair to treat my asthma for several years. Bit by bit, I started getting hoarse. It got so bad that people constantly were asking me to repeat myself, and no one could understand me over the phone.

I stopped using Advair, and the hoarseness went away, but my breathing got worse. Do you know of a solution?

A: Inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators are a cornerstone for treating breathing problems like asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Drugs like Advair (fluticasone plus salmeterol), Breo (fluticasone plus vilanterol) and Symbicort (budesonide plus formoterol) have become very popular. They are a convenient way to relieve airway inflammation and make breathing easier.

Inhaled steroids are less likely to cause systemic side effects, such as osteoporosis, diabetes and low potassium, than oral drugs like prednisone. However, many people report hoarseness or other voice problems as a side effect (Journal of Voice, May 2017). Unfortunately, researchers have made little, if any, progress on understanding and treating this problem.

Patients often are advised to gargle after inhaling their medicine. It is not clear, though, that this is particularly effective.

Q: I had a hideous cold with a racking cough on a layover at the Amsterdam airport about 20 years ago. I went to the pharmacy for help and was given a cough medicine that tasted exactly like a thymol-based cough syrup that worked well on chronic bronchitis when I was a kid. This Dutch elixir worked just as well. I’m guessing oil of thyme may be the magical ingredient.

A: Thymol, essential oil of thyme, is an effective cough suppressant. To make your own thyme cough syrup at home, here is Dr. Tieraona Low Dog’s recipe:

Add 2 tablespoons dried thyme to 1 cup near-boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1/2 cup organic honey. Take 1 tablespoon as needed. Store in the refrigerator.

In their column, Joe and Teresa Graedon answer letters from readers. Send questions to them via www.peoplespharmacy .com.