President Donald Trump displayed his newest hats to reporters in the Oval Office.

“Trump Was Right About Everything!” appears to be the 47th president’s newest slogan. He offered the new hats to the press corps at an Oval Office availability on Tuesday.

“It just came in somebody said, I said, ‘This was sent in by a fan.’ I said, ‘I think we should make some of them, right’ but we were,” Trump told reporters.

He then offered a member of the media a hat, “You want one?”

“I’ll pass,” an unidentified man responded.

“Are you allowed to take one?” Trump asked. “He’ll consider it, I know he will. He’s sort of a stiff guy. He’ll take other things but not a free hat,” Trump said while throwing a hat to another reporter.

Trump’s gesture comes amid growing tensions between his administration and the White House press pool.

The White House announced on Tuesday that the administration — not an independent group of journalists — will determine which outlets have access to the president as part of a pool allowed into the Oval Office, aboard Air Force One and into other meetings and events that cannot accommodate the full press corps.

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