I regularly get scolding letters from the august Society of Finessers. They complain that finesses never work in my columns.

“Sir,” read a recent missive, “we must again condemn your disdain for the finesse, an honorable technique that wins fully half the time, except when you write about it.”

I have no bias against finesses, but some are to be avoided. In today’s deal, West leads a club against four spades. If South finesses with dummy’s queen, East wins and leads the jack of diamonds: queen, king.


South wins the diamond return, draws trumps and lets the queen of hearts ride. East wins and cashes a diamond, three finesses have lost and the Society complains bitterly.

South must take the ace of clubs at Trick One. He draws trumps and finesses in hearts. East wins, takes the king of clubs and shifts to diamonds: queen, king. South can win the diamond return, unblock his jack of hearts, reach dummy with a trump and pitch his last diamond on the ace of hearts.


You hold: ? J 10 8 4 ? A 7 4 2 ? 7 4 2 ? A Q. Your side is vulnerable. The dealer, at your left, opens three diamonds. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: To double (for takeout) and oblige you to respond at the three level, partner has a hand worth at least 17 points. You surely want to play at game. To find the best trump suit, cue-bid four diamonds and let him choose. He may have four cards in only one of the majors.